Chapter 8 ♥

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ll Tayla ll

Home by myself again. As if I could stand being alone enough. TaKayla and Alex were out for the night and I refused to be a third wheel. I sighed and looked around. I turned on some music and started to clean every room in the house. It took my mind off of things. My phone started to vibrate, I didn’t think it was that important so I let it ring.. that’s exactly what it did. It rung and rung and rung until I finally picked up. “Hello!?”

“Its Alexander. You are coming out with me and TaKayla tomorrow night. No excuses or exceptions. Come over as soon as you get off work at 2! See you then” He hung up before I responded and I decided not to even argue.

There was a knock on the door. “Tayla, can we talk?” Jordan was standing there red faced like he had been crying. He was holding a duffle bag and he had dark circles under his eyes.

“Yea sure” I stepped out on to the porch and shut the door behind me. I folded my arms and looked in the other direction , slightly squinting from the sun. “You got 5 minutes. Talk.”

“Im really sorry about everything. I know I led you on and then I left and then I came here and fucked with your head but , Tayla I’ve never stopped loving you. You’ve always  been the girl that I wanted to be with but didn’t want to screw things up because im a screw up. I messed up and I just want my bestfriend back. I want to laugh and make tweets back and forth, and play uno and beat you 27 times, and put ice cream on your nose, and watch Winnie the Pooh with you, and bring you soup when you’re sick. I sure as hell don’t deserve you but can you please forgive me?” He didn’t take a single breath until he finished. He packed back and forth while he talked and shook his head and used his hands. I stared at him for a long time.

“I forgave you a long time ago. I forgive you but I cant and wont forget what you did to me. This isn’t the first time you’ve done this so don’t act like it is. You always fuck me over and just expect me to come back everytime and I do just like a fucking idiot. You tried to date TaKayla in the past, then Danielle 3 times, come on you’re simply pathetic. But like I said before, I forgive but im not your bestfriend anymore. Im a stranger with memories to you.”

ll Jordan ll

She slammed the door in my face. Her words hit me like a truck going 100 on the highway. Im stupid. She was right. I had fucked her over enough. Im living a lie. A huge lie. Im going to let her be. I deserve this. Ill be okay. Real niggas don’t cry. Im sure as hell not going to love someone who dosent want to be loved. So im done. Ill just leave this alone because I cant deal with it or her for that matter. I let the wind blow in my face and the music fill my ears. Being me, I went to a side girl for comfort. Im a player with mixed thoughts. Mixed emotions.


This is short for a reason! The next one will be out later today.. and maybe the next one, lol ! Keep reading and commenting!

-sincerely yours, Jupitaaaa.

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