Chapter 53: Nationals

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Haylee and I sit in a room with Heart Attack as we wait for Santana to tell us if when we're going on first, second or third.

I'm wearing a black crop top, jeans, and black flats. We all also have a purple piece of fabric wrapped around our waist, like a belt.

Santana walks in and she smiles.

"We're going second. Now, make me proud and show everyone what Heart Attack can really do," she said, and Haylee and I cheer. "Or I will kick your asses." I look at Santana and her smile has disappeared. "Okay?" She smiles again and everyone nods. "Good." Santana walks away and we all walk into the Auditorium. We sit in our seats (which are in front of New Directions). I tap Ryder's shoulder and he turns around. He smiles a little. I frown.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask and he sighs.

"We're missing Lucas and Riley. We haven't seen them since before we all went to the beach yesterday," he said and I think.

"Hmm...that's odd," I said and the lights dim down. The announcer then walks onto the stage with a smile.

"Ladies and gentleman, please introduce Vocal Adrenaline to the stage!" I look at Ryder with wide eyes and he does the same to me.

I didn't know Vocal Adrenaline was in the competition. Well, obviously they would because they are THAT good, but still. By the look on Ryder's face, he is surprised too.

"I didn't know they were in the competition," I whisper to him and he nods.

"Me neither," he said and we watch as two familiar teenagers walk on stage.

"Hey, is that Riley and Lucas?" Haylee said and I sigh.

"Yep," I said and I put a hand through my hair. I look along the line at everyone in New Directions. Their mouths are either dropped or covered by their hand. "Back room, everyone, now," I whisper to Ryder and I stand up. I grab Haylee's wrist, and I pull her out of the Auditorium and backstage. Soon, we are joined with the New Directions.

"Emmie, why are we back here?" Haylee asks me and I sigh. I look at the ground.

"We are screwed. That's why you're here," Ryder said and everyone nods. "Didn't you see Riley and Lucas on stage with Vocal Adrenaline?" I look up to see Haylee looking at Ryder with shock. Everyone then starts talking and yelling at each other. I sigh and I move to the middle of our big group.

"Guys?" I said and they continue to yell. "Guys," I said a little louder, but still, they're not listening to me. "Guys!" I yell, and they all stop talking and they look at me. I clear my throat and I take a deep breath. "Look, I know this is kinda bad..."

"Kinda bad? Are you kidding me? We actually let them the duet parts in one of our songs, and we need them to even perform. We're screwed," Marley interrupts me and I sigh. They continue to talk to each other about how screwed they are while I think. When I think something, my eyes widen and I smile. I then whistle to get everyone's attention.

Honestly, why didn't I do that before?

"Guys, I have a plan," I said and they walk closer to me. "Haylee and I can join New Directions and we can win this thing." I look at Haylee. "If she wants to." She smiles and I notice her grabbing Jake's hand.

"Of course. I'd do anything for Glee club," she said and I smile.

"Umm...excuse me." I turn around to see Heart Attack looking at us. One of the cheerleaders was standing in front of everyone. She's probably the one that talked. "What about us?" She said and I roll my eyes.

"Please, you hated 'Glee Club' anyway, so why would you care?" I said and she rolls her eyes.

"Whatever. Later losers. Come on, girls. Let's go," she said and she walks off with 'Heart Attack'. I sigh and I turn to face New Directions. I then smile at them.

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