Chapter 5

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I took a step back from the insane girl, accidentally dropping my shoes as my right shoulder slammed into the wall. A wave of pain came crashing up my arm, and it took all my strength not to scream or cry out. I bit my lip so hard that I could taste the warm, sticky blood in my mouth.
The girl didn't do anything else than take the one wobbly step. She stood there in place, staring at me blankly with her insane eyes.
"O-okay.....I-I'm gonna go look around some more." I managed to stutter as I carefully picked up my shoes.
"You're gonna regret it." She called out as I turned the corner, heading into yet another corridor of the abandoned hospital.
"You're gonna regret it. You're gonna regret it." She chanted, her voice slowly fading into the distance.
I hope she was the only one left. And I wonder where Granny is. I thought to myself, stuffing my hands in my pockets as I continued walking down the dark corridor.
Trying to pass the time and distract myself from the creepiness of the abandoned hospital, I begun wondering about how I had wandered into the hospital.
Maybe the Better World has portals into other dimensions, I suggested finally, kicking the toe of my sneaker into the cold, hard concrete.
Or maybe I'm just hallucinating everything.
Suddenly, the lights flickered back on and the hospital hummed back to life as if nothing had ever happened. I stopped in my tracks, the hair on the back of my neck standing on end from fright. Hospitals had always petrified me in general, and now that I was in an abandoned mental hospital....well, let's just say it wasn't much better.
I walked close to the wall, my right shoulder grazing the already old and peeling wallpaper. No wonder those patients were so crazy. I would go crazy too in a depressing place like this.
"Katie...." I heard a distant voice called out. At first, it sounded like a woman's voice. Like a siren from a Greek mythology.
"Katie...." It called again, this time sounding like a mans voice.
I stopped in my tracks, waiting to see if the voice would call me again.
Total radio silence.
"Told you you're gonna regret it." A creepy voice reminded me, practically yelling right in my ear. I jumped back in fright at the insane girl.
"How did you.....when did you...." I stuttered and panted, clutching my heart. Insane people really had a way of scaring the crap out of you.
She didn't say anything, she just continued staring at me blankly with her sad eyes.
"Be careful. Some people here want to hurt you." She cackled evilly, stepping backwards and stepping into the shadows.
A few seconds later, she was gone.
After I had recovered from the shock, I continued making my way down the now brightly lit hallway. I knew it was a bad idea to be heading towards the sound of the voices, but something about it just made me attracted to the voices; like a moth to a flame.
As I continued exploring, the creepy girls words kept echoing in my mind. Be careful. Some people here want to hurt you.
Yeah right. What other people? Besides me and Creepy McGee, I'm pretty sure there's nobody here.
My thoughts engulfed me until the sound of metal trays falling echoed across the hallway.
I'm sure that's the cafeteria down this hallway, I told myself, picking my nails out of nervous habit.
Suddenly, the speaker intercom thing boomed to life, the ear piercing sound echoing across the entire hospital. I cringed and plugged my ears before the sound finally faded out.
"Katie....we know you're here..." A mans voice said on the intercom, breathing deeply and heavily with a deep, heavy voice.
"Katie....we're coming for you."

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