Chapter 3

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I woke up what seemed like days later, a dull pain throbbing in the back of my head.
Where am I? I thought to myself as I slowly rose to my feet.
In front of me was what seemed like a never ending hallway. Every five feet or so there was a solid Greek style column for as far as the eye could see, each one standing proudly in front of a blood red curtain that spread farther than the columns. Dim electric lights slowly hummed at the end of the hall, and my vast knowledge of horror movies told me that something sinister was lurking at the far end of the hall. Gulping loudly, I decided to turn around to see what---or who---hid behind me.
Behind me laid the movie theater restroom where I had collapsed moments earlier, as if I was looking into another dimension. After a moment, I realized I was in the other world....and I was looking into the imperfect world.
I pressed my hand to the mirrored glass, and found that I could put my hand through it as easily as I could put my hand in water.
I pulled back in shock, unable to adapt to my new surroundings. My doctors had always told me I had high-functioning Asperger's, and the new surroundings wasn't helping whatsoever.
Where am I? Why am I the only one here? I whispered in my head, reluctantly heading towards the dim lights at the end of the never ending hall.
"H-hello?" I called out, sounding like a scared and defenseless child. My voice echoed across the hallway, signaling that I was in fact, completely alone. At that moment, all I wanted to do was lean against the wall and rock back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, until the fear and the pain melted from my brain. But, I forced myself to continue walking, ignoring my Asperger's yelling at me to cry for a while.
As I continued trudging down the hallway, the sound of robotic footsteps started ringing in my ears.
What in the world....?
Confused, I turned around just as a large iron door swung open with an unimaginable strength.
Where did that door come from?! I screamed in my head as I ducked for cover. I slid under a table just in the knick of time.
After a few seconds of rocking back and forth, I finally gathered the courage to peek my head up and take a look at the robots.
What I was faced with reminded me of the robots from the old Will Smith movie. What was that called again? Oh yeah, iRobot.
Each robot was about four feet tall with a see-through torso. Their legs were obviously prosthetics; each one with the exact same pale face with bulging eyes. They all looked exactly like Sonny from iRobot.
Gulping quietly, I hid back into cover, safety wrapping around me like a warm blanket.
A moment later, the sounds of robotic footsteps ceased to exist, and the sound and humming of their gears replaced the noise.
W-what's going on? I asked, peeking my eyes up over the table slowly.
All the robots were hunched over from the waist up, as if they had all been shut down by someone or something.
Gathering up my courage, I slowly made my way to the closest robot. I examined its complex and unique machinery with great interest. Robots in general had always interested me.
After a moment, the robots slowly whirred back to life. My heart skipped a beat as the one I was examining straightened itself back up and fixed its red eyes on me, his robot brothers and sisters soon following his lead. I gulped loudly as I turned around and ran for my life.

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