Chapter 1

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***4 Months Later***

Hannah's POV

"Miss Maze!"


"Could I get a photo, Miss Maze?"

"Turn for me babe. Make love to the camera."

"Adeline! Harry! Smile!"

I rolled my eyes before turning around to continue walking alongside Harry.

"Harry could we get a photo of you and your girlfriend here?" I heard some middle aged paparazzi call out. I saw Harry nod to the man as he wrapped his arm around my waist, posing for the picture. I put on my best smile and once the man had taken a few pictures, we started heading towards the doors again, but it was easier said than done. 

Every few steps we would be greeted by hundreds of requests for photos, and Harry would accept a few or I might, and then they all would go mad asking louder than before to turn for them. To top it all off the fans were screaming at Harry at the top of their lungs, begging for him to sign something or to marry him. Some would scream mean things at either him or I, but I didn't care. The person they hated wasn't really me, just the person I was pretending to be, so I took nothing personally, unlike Harry. His eyes would sadden when anyone said anything remotely negative about himself, the boys and their girlfriends. I can understand why this is, but he should really man up for god’s sake. He is in the eye of the public. He should be a brick when it comes to their words…but I guess some people just care too much. Meh, it’s his problem and not mine.

"Hannah you ok?" Harry whispered quietly into my ear as we were walking towards the party. 

"Adeline is fine but Hannah however, will be pissed if you call her that again!" I hissed. Although we had already made it to the door, the only people who were allowed to know that Harry and I weren't together were the boys, management and security. We can’t let Harry slip up, especially in an extremely public event like this one. This is the Teen Choice Award after party. This is huge.

"Sorry, Ad. C'mon we better go inside and wait for the boys to make it through the mob."

"Sure." I smiled grabbing his hand. I held onto him tightly as I carefully trotted on the laid out carpet, disorientated from the bright flashes. His hands fit into mine too well. It’s rather revolting to be honest.

It wasn't long before Paul rushed in whilst shoving Liam, Louis and Niall inside.

"Where's the other guy? Zac?" I asked him.

"Zayn. He's inside. Perrie and him bolted inside once they got out of the car." Paul corrected. I couldn’t really care less. I take a step back and my eyes widen when they fall on Liam.

"What happened to you guys? Liam? Where's your shirt?!" I can't believe I hadn't noticed when Paul gushed them in! Liam was shirtless and Louis' was all ripped up. Thankfully the blonde boy still had his shirt on and was strangely in one piece.

"We got mobbed. Some fans attacked me and got my shirt..." Liam said blushing, obviously embarrassed. He shouldn’t be. He’s got a fit body.

“I think you look better this way.” His girlfriend coos before pecking him on the lips.

"Wow, those fans are" I simply stated. How annoying would that be? Just walking around with a fear that you might be shirtless at any time? That's insane. I mentally sigh in relief, because I only have haters. No one loves me enough to strip me and leave me in my underwear.

"I know, and don't even get me started on those paps!" Louis exclaimed before he was interrupted by Niall.

"C'mon lads, we just won an award! We're at a party for crying out loud! Hate and gossip later, but let’s party!" 

"Easy for you to say, Niall. You still have a shirt." Liam teased. I watched as they all walked off together, girlfriends in hand. 

 "Do you want to dance Hannah?" Harry asked sheepishly. I refused to respond to that name. I am a trained professional and I take my job seriously. Who does he think he is, compromising our position?

"Hannah? Hello?" He tried again but I didn't budge, pretending to wave at someone on the other side of the club.

"I'm sorry; Adeline would you like to dance?" 

I turn to him this time, and watched as a cheeky smile grew on his face. The dimples on either side of his face piercing his cheeks. Fucking adorable. I could taste the bile in my mouth. Why is he such a cliché?

“I would love to Harry.” Smiling my biggest and fakest smile, I take Harry’s hand and walk with him to the centre dance stage where the others were already partying.

The club was fairly large. The smell of stale alcohol and cigarettes reeked within the building but most people ignored it. I on the other hand, could not help but wrinkle my nose.

“Here Ad, I got you a drink.” Harry yells over the booming club mix. I was never into this sort of stuff. It was society’s music and too mainstream. It’s what everyone wants you to like. I prefer bands like Fall Out Boy, Nirvana and The Script. That was music, not this ‘wub wub’ shit.

“What is it?” I don’t drink a lot. Alcohol takes me out of character and I don’t want to ruin everything.

“Sex on the Beach.” Harry winked. Rolling my eyes, I take the drink from him and sip at it. The bitter yet strangely sweet drink entered my body, and I couldn’t help but take another sip.

“Good hey?”

“It’s alright. Now dance with me Harry or let’s sit down. We are wasting publicity time by talking.” I simply state. I don’t want to get distracted. This is my job.

“Someone’s keen? You wanna snog?” Harry asks, grinning wide.

“Yeah don’t count on it. I’m an actress.” I roll my eyes before grabbing Harry’s face and roughly kissing him. I hated the fact that he was a good kisser. It pissed me off so much that his lips were soft, and felt comfortable on mine. Honestly I hate everything about this bloody assignment. Especially Harry.

I deepen the kiss as I make an effort to get closer to him. To be honest, like most girls I enjoy a good kiss but I really hate doing all the work. I grab his hand and bring it down to my bum, causing him to grip it tightly. I can feel Harry starting to get the idea as his breathing quickens. This is probably the only perk of my job; PDA and teasing the shit out of Harry. I love leaving him sexually needy and horny. But he makes my life hell so why can’t I just mess with his slightly?

I can hear the cameras flashing as we pull apart. My job is done. I turn and smile as the last few flashes go off and leave Harry panting on the dance floor. I wipe my lips off as I make my way to the rest rooms, and I can’t help but grin as people whisper about me whilst I continue walking. All perks of the job. Drama. 


Ok ok I know...I haven't been on wattpad in a while and the last time I updated anything was June. o_o BUT I'M BACK!! And I have decided to work on this story extra hard. Since I started writing I have had many new expiriences that I will love to include in my writing so watch out for some real drama. Vote and Comment and tell me what you think!! Love you all xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2013 ⏰

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