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Hi guys, heres the story so tell me what you think! SO EXCITED! Will post Chapter 1 really soon, promise!



Hannah's POV

"Miss I have prepared the required paper work for you and have sent a copy of it over to your agent. Now before you go off and meet your designated partner I will need you to sign here, here and here." The gruff looking man said to me, pointing across several different pages, indicating where I had to sign.

"Of course Mr Sheffield." I said with a smile as I picked up my pen and signed as required.

"Good, good. Any questions dear?"

"Uh, yes sir. I was wondering what my job will be this time around. My agent hasn't informed me yet and I would like to know as soon as possible.' I question as formally as I could trying to cover my nerves. My job was to take on roles of certain people and work their lives, sort of like under cover work except in the end I didn't get to solve a mystery. In other words I was an actress.

"Of course Miss Winston. Basically, for the next year or so you are required to pose as the girlfriend of Harry Styles, I'm sure you have heard of him." The old, big bellied man stopped, obviously waiting my response.

"No, sorry I haven't heard of this 'Mr Styles'." I replied to him, although the name did sound familiar.

"Oh that's quite alright. He is a member of a boy band and is very in the spot light as of recent. Your job is very basic; Convince the world that you two are in love. The media are very tight on this boy, labelling him a player and trying to give him a bad name. That's where you come in sweetie." My muscles stiffened at the word 'sweetie', it was not a name I preferred to be called. "You two will become a couple and the main objective is to get the paps off Harry for a while. You guys have to make sure that the stunt is flawless otherwise they'll be right back on both your trails and make your lives miserable."

I gulped. This job was good because it let me pursue acting in a way that would not put me in direct spot light and the pay was brilliant. My only trouble was that cases like these, put me at high risk of revealing myself to the world, ending my career as a private actress. "Ok, I think I've got the gist of it now." I said faking a realistic smile. Acting for so long had its perks.

I sat quietly, fidgeting with my long dark curls as Mr Sheffield buzzed his receptionist, asking her to bring Harry in to meet me. It was never a great feeling waiting to find your new identity. It's exciting but after a while you loose yourself and you can only hope the next person you become is a good one.

My thoughts were interrupted as a young man with green eyes entered the room. His hair was was curly and shot out in all directions, yet still managed to look controlled.

"Hi I'm Harold." He introduced himself with a smile.

'Hi Harry, my name is Hannah." I smiled back. I could tell straight off the bat that he was a little egotistic. I would fix that straight away.

"Nice to meet you Hannah."

"Nice to meet you too Harry." I said back before I turned to Mr Sheffield again. "Sir, what will my name be? I'm assuming it won't be Hannah with such a public role, will it?

"No it won't be Hannah. We have gone through the database and a name we thought would suit, was Adeline Maze." I nodded at the unusual name. "Off you guys go, you are going to be seeing a lot of each other, kissing, dating and what not. Better get the awkwardness aside and get a move on. I will remind you that this is your job and I do not expect real romance. If this becomes the case I will have to question our contract." In the corner of my eye I could see Harry's cheeky smirk appear on his face as soon as kissing was mentioned. This boy was so immature.

But once again I nodded. Standard protocol, don't become attached, easy. I don't plan on getting close to any boy band members. I'm strictly all business.

"C'mon Harry." I motioned to him grabbing his hand. He seemed stunned by the gesture but reaffirmed it by squeezing on my grip. I didn't like it but played along, this was my job now.

"Let's go Adeline." He winked.

I rolled my eyes. Oh god I'm stuck with another flirt. Kill me now.

Harry's POV

Hannah's hand locked in mine, I walked her down towards the cafeteria inside the main building. As we walked I took in her features. She was absolutely adorable. She had long, wavy brown her that cascaded down her shoulders, green eyes a little darker than mine and was probably 5 inches shorter than me.

"So Hann-" I started before she cut me off.

"Adeline!" She corrected causing me to blush.

"Sorry Addie." I tried again. Waiting to see how she reacted to the nickname.

"You can't make mistakes like that in public, I take my job very seriously and I don't need little boy band members like you holding me down or blowing my cover!" I was taken aback by her seriousness. She had a firm look in her eyes and her words hurt. This girl was very feisty and for some reason, I liked it.

"Sorry doll, won't make that mistake again." I winked, wrapping my arm around her waist.

"You better not Harry. By the way, you don't have to do anything with me until we're public and are actually with other people. We are not actually in love so can you keep all this to yourself!" She stated bluntly as she unwrapped herself from my hold. I just stood there as I watched her storm off, leaving me gaping in the middle of the hallway.

I felt a smirk play up on my lips, recalling her reaction to my touch. One year of this hey? I plan on making her life hell.

"Adeline wait up! We didn't practise kissing!!" I yelled down the hallway teasingly.

"URRRGH!" I heard her scream causing me to laugh.

This was definitely going to be fun.


A/N Did you like it? Please vote and comment....or should I say- VOMMENT! (yes i did just say that)

Btw the Gif on the side is of Hannah! :D

Love y'all


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