Alien Discovery - A Secret's Ambush

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Jason stared at Spirit with anger as she walked through the front door.

Jason: Spirit!

Spirit stepped toward Jason.

Spirit: What do you want, Jason?

Jason: Don't give me that look! I know you've been interfering with my case! I am so gonna kick your ass!

Jason swung at Spirit, but she dodged it and punched him in the gut. Jason kneeled down, groaning in pain.

Spirit: Now, if you excuse me, I have a fugitive to hunt down. Good day, Jason.

Spirit walked passed Jason, who was still groaning in pain. Meanwhile, Lay sat on her bed, watching Jon stepping through the doorway.

Jon: Wanna try it again?

Lay: Yes.

Lay stood from the bed and kissed Jon. A half hour later, they laid nude on the bed under the cover.

Jon: You're still not pregnant, are you?

Lay: No. I don't get it. Where did we go wrong?

Jon sat up from the bed.

Jon: I don't know. Maybe Spikey was right. Maybe you can't get pregnant.

Lay: So, what now?

Jon closed his eyes.

Jon: I don't know.

During that time, Jason stepped into his office, getting a hold of his painful gut.

Jason: Ow. Damn it.

When his cell phone vibrated, he picked it up and answered the call.

Jason: Jason.

As several seconds passed, Jason looked shocked.

Jason: What?!

Later, Jon knocked on Spikey's door. Spikey opened it and smiled.

Spikey: Hey, Jon. Whats--

Jon kissed her. Spikey gave in to her lust and placed her arms around him. As she sat on her bed, Jon took off his shirt. Then she took off her tank top. Jon kissed her again and they laid on the bed. On a dark night, Spirit was sleeping on her bed. As she heard a noise outside, she sat up and put on her glasses.

Jason: Spirit! We know you're in there! Surrender peacefully!

Spirit: Over my dead ass!

Jason: Alright, Spirit! You asked for it!

Jason signaled his S.W.A.T. team.

Jason: Go! Go! Move! Move!

As the team kicked the door open, the wire on top of it exploded. Jason looked surprised.

Jason: Damn. She's good.

Spirit stepped through the doorway.

Jason: Still not giving up?

Spirit: I'll die before I become one of your alien experiments.

Jason closed his eyes.

Jason: I'm sorry to hear that. I really am. Men! Take her down!

A soldier ran toward Spirit, but she pushed him to the rest of the team with her fists.

Jason: Are you boys stupid or something? I said take her!

The entire team took out their bats. One of them swung at Spirit. But she catched it and punched him in the gut. Another soldier pushed her to the wall. Spirit knee-kicked him and elbowed him in the back. A third soldier pointed a pistol to her head with Jason standing next to him.

Jason: Now, let's see what you really are.

Jason took out Spirit's sunglasses and saw pitch black eyes. He looked terrified.

Jason: Oh, my god.

Spirit: Happy?

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