Alien Discovery - Sayen's Lair

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The team's ship flew out of mars, on its way to earth. Spikey informed the rest of the team about the information Spirit gave her.

Jon: Sayen has escaped?

Spikey: Yes. I got a feeling that his daughter broke him out. Spirit gave me the message and the information of Sayen's lair. His new lair is in Anartica.

Jeny: And what if he doesn't show?

Spikey: Then Spirit will find him.

The ship landed on the snowy ground of Anartica. A minute later, the team exited the ship.

Spikey: Now that we're here, Simon, what do we do?

Simon: We must split up. Spikey, you go with Jon. Lay, you'll come with me. Jeny, you'll go with Lance. And Jennifer... watch the ship.

Jennifer: Guess I'll be missing the action.

Simon: Alright, team. Let's move out.

The team split as ordered. Simon stared at Lay.

Simon: I sense something is troubling you, Lay.

Lay: It's Jon. He wants a child, but I can't get pregnant.

Simon: Not being able to bear a child is the hardest burden to bear. But as long as you and Jon love each other, you might have a son or daught to love someday.

Meanwhile, Jeny started noticing Lance's depressing look.

Jeny: Something wrong, Lance?

Lance: Nothing.

Jeny: Was it something I said on mars?

Lance: No.

Jeny: Lance--

Lance closed his eyes in anger.

Lance: Ok, ok, ok! I'm mad! Angry! I can't be with the woman I love without melting down!

Jeny: Believe me, if I could give up this power, I would. But I was born with it.

Lance: Yeah. That must be a heavy burden to carry. Such a damn shame.

Lance walked passed Jeny. Meanwhile, Spikey noticed Jon's unhappy face.

Spikey: Something wrong, Jon?

Jon: It's Lay. I love her. She's everything to me. But no matter how often we make love, she still can't bear a child for me.

Spikey started smiling.

Spikey: I can bear a child for you.

Jon looked confused.

Jon: What?

Spikey: Listen, Jon. I love you. And I want you. And I want you to choose me instead of Lay.

Jon: I'm sorry, Spikey. I still love--

Spikey: Don't say her name again!

Spikey placed her tall-nail hands on Jon's head.

Spikey: Don't you get it?! She can't give you a child! I can! If you want your children to be born, you must make love to me!

Spikey kissed him. A second later, Jon pushed her away.

Jon: Enough!

Spikey stepped on a snowy spot and cracked a hole. She and Jon looked down at it.

Spikey: What the hell?

The whole ground cracked into pieces and the alien doe fell underground. Spikey sat up, looking around the area.

Spikey: Well, looks like we found Sayen's lair.

Jon: But Sayen is not here.

Spikey: He must have found out that Spirit's looking for him.

Lay jumped inside the lair, looking angrily at Spikey.

Spikey: Ah, Lay. Looks like we beat you to--

Lay: You pig. I saw what you did, Spikey! If you ever put your filthy hands on Jon again--

Spikey: Ha! What are you gonna do about it? And what if I did kiss Jon? You should know that if you can't get pregnant, Jon will find someone who can.

Jon held Lay's arms as she engaged toward Spikey.

Spikey: Don't get mad, Lay. I'm not always right, you know.

Lay: Let me go, Jon! Let me go so I can kick her ass!

Simon glided between them, landing softly.

Simon: Enough. Let's not fight amongst ourselves. It's bad enough I have to fight my father. Speaking of my father, I don't think he's here. So let's head back to mars.

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