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Kimi started getting sick quite a bit in the days following her little "meeting" with Tommy. Her parents started to worry that she may have a serious medical condition.

"Honey, you should really go to the doctor, you've been sick for two weeks now." Kira said to her daughter, really concerned about her health.

"I'm fine, Mom. It's probably just a stomach virus." the teen reassured.

"Stomach viruses usually only last a few days. You need to make sure." her mother insisted.

"Alright, I'll go to the doctor." Kimi replied to please her mother.

The truth is, Kimi was pretty sure she knew why she was getting so sick. She had gone to the drug store the day after, and bought a pregnancy test. She was shocked and a bit scared when it read positive. She bought a few more to be sure, and got the same result.

She knew she had to tell her parents, and Tommy for that matter, before she went to the doctor. Figuring Tommy deserved to be the first to know, and knowing it would be easier to tell him than her parents, she headed to the Pickles' house.

She rang the doorbell, and DeeDee answered the door.

"Hello, Kimi. The boys are in the living room." the kind, red headed lady greeted, letting the teen girl in.

Kimi walked into the living room, and over to where to two brothers sat on the couch, watching some action movie.

"Um, Tommy, I need to talk to you." Kimi said, nervousness evident in her voice.

"Sure, what's up?" Tommy asked.

"I need to talk to you, in private." the girl replied, the tone of her voice made it clear that this was a serious subject.

Tommy got up and went to the kitchen with Kimi.

"What is it, Kimi?" the teen boy asked concerned.

"You know what happened that day you talked to me about
Zekke?" the girl asked, playing with her jacket zipper.

"Yeah, I remember." the boy replied, glancing down at his shoes.

"Well, I started getting sick a lot after that..." Kimi started.

"I don't have any STDs or anything like that!" Tommy exclaimed, getting that out there.

"No, no, it's not that. I think I'm.... pregnant." Kimi said nervous and scared.

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