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The next morning Niall was woken up by Zayn knocking on the door then suddenly barging into the room like he owned the place. Well he did own the place, but privacy is a good thing.

"Good morning sunshine." Zayn said loudly in a teasing matter as soon as he stepped a foot into the room.

"I don't understand why you knock on the door when you know damn well I can't open that door. At least wait for me to say come in." Niall mumbled sleepy. It was probably eight AM and that's too early for the blond.

Zayn chuckled at the sleepy blonde, "Well, I'm telling you that I'm coming in so be happy I just don't barge in." Zayn said then he loudly said, "Wake up!"

"Freak off." Niall yelled just as loud then nuzzle himself deeper into the pillow. He didn't want to use the actual bad word, his parents raised no potty mouth.

"Well thats mean." Zayn said in a fake hurt voice as he placed the plate full of breakfast goodies and a glass of orange juice on the nightstand.

"Kidnapping is also mean, but you don't see me wining about it." Niall scoffed after he finally got up and sat indian style on his, now, new bed.

"So is selling your only son to a criminal, but-" Zayn paused to look at Niall with a raised eyebrow. "That's none of my business."

Niall just rolled his eye not wanting to start an argument with him so early in the morning. His blue eyes landed on the plate resting on the nightstand.

"Eat up blondie, you'll need all the energy for today's work." Zayn said with a smirk. "Also someone would be coming in here to get a measure of you, for your uniform I mean."

"No." Niall wined as he went to cover his face with his hands then slid them to his hair before he ran his fingers through his hair a couple of times.

"You sure do wine a lot." Zayn said as he placed one hand on his hip. "The only type of wining I love to hear is when you're begging me for more." the raven haired boy whispered into the blond's ear cheekily with a sinister smirk plastered onto his face before he took a step back, waiting for the blond's reaction.

"I- I don't understand." Niall whispered then after a moment of think he gasped and covered his mouth, a small blush forming in his lips; finally understand what Zayn meant.

This made Zayn smirk wider because this boy was just too cute and too innocent.

"I- I'm not g-gay." Niall stuttered out covering himself with the sheets that smelled like straight up fabric softener.

"You'll say that now, but I promise you babe; you'll be on your knees begging me to do something nasty to you." Zayn said softly as he licked his lips, making Niall his new objective.

"A-And I-I promise you-u, that's never go-going to happen." Niall stuttered feeling smaller than usual under Zayn's intense stare and wicked smile.

"Whatever you say babe." Zayn said then their was a knock on the door. It was probably one of their personal stylist and designer.

"Come in." Zayn said and in came Monique, the best stylist/designer they have in this criminal organization with a tape measure around her neck.

"Zayn." Monique said nodding to the raven haired lad with a smile then turned to the pale, blond lad. "And you are?"

"Niall." Niall whispers shyly to the woman who had silver hair with black tips.

"Nice to meet you Niall." Monique said with a genuine smile on her red lips. "If you can please stand for I can take you measures, that'll be great."

Niall nodded and stood up awkwardly, his bare feet hitting the cold floor tile. Monique noticed Niall's awkwardness so she turned around and told Zayn to leave.

"What, why!" Zayn said pretty pissed off that she was telling him what to do.

"You're making Niall nervous, now go." Monique said shooing Zayn out the door before closing it. "There we go now, love. Zayn can be pretty intimidating without even trying."

Niall nodded completely and let Monique measure Niall, from the circumference of his next and waist to his wingspan and height.

Monique left the room and Niall took this chance to eat the still warm breakfast that was on the nightstand.

A knock on the door freed Niall from random thoughts, thinking it was Monique, Niall said to come in.

In came Zayn with a uniform and a pair of black dress shoes. "This is for tomorrow, today you're going to be exploring the mansion. Don't even think about escaping cause everyone knows about you and they would bring you back to me and you're going to get punished, understood?" Zayn said with a serious look on his face as Niall just nodded.

"Good." Zayn said then pointed to the dresser. "In there is just sweats, simple t-shirts, underwear and socks. Now go take a shower, you stink."

Niall smelled himself as Zayn put his uniform down on a chair before dragging Niall out the bed and pushing him into the bathroom that was connected with the room.

After his shower Niall opened a cabinet that had a single fluffy towel, he dried himself before wrapping it around his waist. Z

He walked out the bathroom and immediately squealed when he saw Zayn sitting on the bed while using his phone.

"Oh my god, can you please leave." Niall said while covering his chest. Zayn out his phone down and eyed at Niall's exposed chest.

"No," Zayn said while licking his lips.

"Please." Niall whispered to which Zayn just sighed and left without another word.

Niall shook his head and changed into the only clothes that were in the drawers. Zayn is really going to be a real trouble for Niall.

Niall spent the whole day just walking around and getting to know his surrounding cause Zayn said he better know which room is which cause he's not helping him.

This was probably the first time Niall's done something without being monitored, well he was but at least they were subtle about it.

Niall went to sleep with a full stomach not really looking forward to tomorrow since he's probably going to be do some crazy task for the two criminal brothers.


This was kinda boring, but this was more of a filler lol

Imma try my best to update at least two more times before I go on vacation. (aug/11)

QOTD: What do you wanna be when you grow up?
My Answer: I want to be an electrical engineer :))))

-Comment (#NiallTheExplorer)

- Ari :))))))

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