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20 years ago...

"Bobby, we can't do this." Maura cried hysterically into her husbands chest. Her slightly greasy hair tied into a messy bun as her dirty hands clutches onto her husbands shirt.

Bobby pushed back from his wife's grip and became frustrated with the woman. "Well dammit Maura what are we supposed to do? We're jobless, soon to become homeless too! We're six months behind with the rent in this shïtty äss apartment and I don't wanna be loving in the dämn streets!" Bobby yelled at the crying woman then suddenly felt like a total dick.

"Shh, I'm sorry darling I'm just tired. I didn't mean to snap at you baby." Bobby said while rocking Maura side to side.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Maura asked, her tears making her words stuttered.

"I think the only thing we can do is take the offer." Bobby said in a hushed tone as he rubbed his wife's back.

"But-" Maura started but quickly got cut off by her husband.

"But what, this grant can give us a new start. We can start off fresh and I can finally treat you like the princess you're meant to be." Bobby said with sadness in the time of his voice.

Maura snuggled into her husband's worn out sweater, using this moment to think about her hasty decision.

After a moment a silence Maura looked up at Bobby with nothing but sadness in her blue eyes. "Okay." she said just below a whisper but Bobby still heard.

"Okay?" Bobby whispered back to the woman who jut nodded her head.

Bobby looked at the man with raven black hair and blue/grey eyes. He was surrounded by big and strong bodyguards.

"We'll take the deal." Bobby said trying to sound courageous but you can still hear the scared tone in his voice.

"Ahh wonderful." the man said with a smirk forming on his lips. "Just sign this and the deal's all set." the man said, and with a snap of his tan fingers a pen and contract was shoved to Bobby's face.

Bobby looked at Maura, his blue eyes looking at her deeply and intense as if asking her if she had any second thoughts.

Maura just nodded, encouraging her husband to sigh the contract. She blink rapidly trying to fight the tears threatening to come out.

Bobby took the pen and the paper, he carefully placed the contract on the wooden table before signing his name on the bottom with hesitation.

Bobby gave Maura then pen before she slightly bent over to sign her name on the bottom of the paper. A single tear falling from her eye and onto the contract.

One of the guards snatched the paper and fold it once before putting it into the inside pocket of his very expensive looking suit.

"Pleasure doing business with both of you." then man said with a wicked smile before a smoke bomb was throw on the floor and in a blink of an eye, the men we're gone.

Maura and Bobby coughed while fanning their hands to clear the smoke away. Once the smoke was clear a silver briefcase was left on the wooden table.

On top of the briefcase was a small note with three little numbers. Bobby picked up the paper that said, "4-2-9." with the the man's signature as "Joker".

Bobby punched in the code and unlocked the briefcase. He opened it and saw thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars.

There was 300,000 thousand dollars in total after Bobby finished counting it all. Bobby gave Maura a shocked look before pulling her into a hug.

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