☯ Sixteen // The E-Mail

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guess what's back, back again, this cover is back tell yo friends! xD


Simon walked into the asylum, he was greeted by a few if his workers to which he greeted them kindly with a wave and a small, morning.

Simon had a small feeling that today was going to be a weird day but he just shrugged it off and walking to his office that was near the main room.

With a sigh, he unlocked the door to his room and and sat in the computer chair. He decided to check his e-mails since that became a daily routine for the middle aged man.

The first email he saw was from Zayn, maybe that's why there is weird feeling in the pit of his stomach. He's always greeted by Zayn first thing in the morning. Maybe it was Zayn telling his boss that he can't make it today due to sickness.

But when Simon read the subject sentence that said: Resignation Letter, his eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

He opened the E-Mail which read:

"Dear Mr. Simon Cowell,

Please accept this letter as a formal notification that I am resigning from my position as head nurse with Bradford Asylum. My last day was yesterday, and I'm sorry for suddenly quitting on you.

Thank you so much for the opportunity to work in this position for the last three and a half years. I've greatly enjoyed and appreciated the opportunities I've had to take care and help the sick, and make new friends along the way. I've leaned that you cannot judge a book by its covered and that people will backstab you without a warning.

I left because I am no longer happy working with people I thought I trusted. There's just been too many weird things that's been happening and I left knowing its probably decision there is. But I left mainly because I just couldn't give into his desires, it's wrong and it's best if I just left and forget everything's that happened.

Again, I am deeply sorry for quitting on you but I'm sure my position would be quickly taken over by someone else, and I'm sure they'll do a better job than me. I'm sure Harry Styles can start off where I finished and keep everything on track.

I wish the Asylum continued success and I hope to stay in touch in the future.

Sincerely, Zayn J. Malik."

Simon didn't entirely understand his reasonings for quitting but all he knows it that he's lost one of the best head nurse they got.

He shook his head as he ran his hand through his short hair. He didn't know what to do, maybe if Zayn told him sooner he wouldn't be in this mess.

Simon had to think fast, he looked at the time and saw it was 6:53 and the he knows patients aren't woken up till 8 o'clock.

He picked up his work phone and called one of his assistant who immediately picked up.

"Good morning Mr.Cowell, do you need something." his assistant, Margret said kindly.

"Yes Margret, can you tell every nurse to go to the cafeteria for an important meeting, I need all of them there as soon as possible, tell them I'll be there at 7:20." Simon said sharply before hanging up.

Every nurse has to be at work by 7:00 but he's giving the late comers twenty minutes to get here, and that's more than enough time.


"Is that everyone?" Simon asked and got a few mumbles of "yeah, yeah" and "I think so."

"I'm sure you're all wondering why I called you here for such an early meeting." Simon said.

"Yeah we kinda are, get to the point will ya?" A nurse named William said to which he got a few laughs and agreements.

"Well I got an E-mail this morning from Zayn who's suddenly quit, I'm not sure about the reasons but he was the head nurse here and his job was very important." Simon said getting a few gasps.

Harry rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, he didn't think Zayn would actually quit, but what's done has been done.

"Anyways Zayn kinda suggested that Harry should take his place, so Harry from now on you're head nurse and will do Zayn's job starting today." Simon said to Harry who just nodded in response.

Simon started rearranging their job position, a small handful of people kept the same same position they hald while the others got a totally brand new position that they didn't even know how to do.

Simon thought that this new rearrangement will work but that's for them to find out later if it will backfire.

"Okay, do you understand what you're supposed to do?" Simon asked, he got some uncertain "Sure" but only one brave soul said "No."

"If you have any questions about your new positions don't hesitate to ask for help from other staff members." Simon said to which the nurses nodded their with hesitation.

Simon looked at his watched and saw it was almost time to wake up the patients and give them their morning pills. "Alright, good now get back to work, it almost time to wake up the patients."

"Except for you Harry, may I have a word with you." Simon asked to which Harry nodded.

"Ooo, you're in trouble." William said to Harry in a teasing matter before he left the cafeteria with everyone else.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked as soon as everyone was out.

"Nothing's wrong, I just need you to help everyone settle with their new position and you've been here for a while so I'm sure you know what to do." Simon said then shrugged.

"Usually its Zayn who helps the new nurses around and about their job, but he's not here, and you guys were pretty close, so I'm just assuming you know what to do and that you'll be as good as Zayn." Simon said to which Harry slowly nodded his head, understanding what Simon just said.

"Yeah, I'll try my best." Harry said not knowing what he just put himself into.


again, this was boring I'm sorry lol but this was more of a filler.



dedicated to: @littleprechaun
next chapter dedication to anyone who can guess my favorite song from the uan album.

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