☯ Twelve // Harry?

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Harry just finished helping people into bed when he remember about Louis still being in the white room.

"How can I forget my (soon to be) love?" He slapped his own forehead muttering stupid a couple of times and minding his own business when someone bumped into him.

"Wha-" Harry was cut off by an anxious Zayn.

"Sorry Harry." Zayn said in a rushed tone before speed walking away.

Harry stared at Zayn as he ran down the confused before shrugging and walking down the stairs to the first floor to get Louis out of the white room.

"I'm gonna find ya, I'm gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha ya." Harry sang in his head before softly chuckling to himself, he finally reached the first floor and walked down the hallway.

He almost crashed into Doctor Clark, who made a sharp left turn into Harry.

"Whoa.." Doctor Clark said and took a step back as Harry also took a step back.

"Aha, sorry just gonna, uh, let one of the patients out of the The White Room." Harry said in an apologetic tone.

"Louis, yeah?" Doctor Clark said before Harry nodded in response.

"Yeah. How'd you know?" Harry asked with his head tilted to the side.

"Oh I was just monitoring him for the last five minutes after Zayn was done monitoring him." Doctor Clark easily lied to the naïve Harry. "He seems kinda shaken up and saying your name."

"Is that a good thing, or a bad thing." Harry asked worried as to why Louis was shaking and calling his name.

"I'm not sure, I was going to look for you and see if you can help him." Doctor Clark said as he subtly bit his lower lip.

Harry nodded at doctor Clark, "Okay, I'll see if I can help him. You should go home now it's late. Tell your wife, Jade, I said hi." Harry said with a soft smile before walking down the hallway.

Doctor Clark smiled back at Harry as he walked down the hall. Suddenly then, his smile turned into a look of disgust when he realized what Harry just said.

"Jade." Doctor Clark spat out, he head tears forming around his eyes before he shook his head and whipped the tears away from his eyes with the back of his palm.

"No, no! I am not going to cry over that cheating slut!" Doctor Clark thought to himself before he smirked. "No, I will not cry because I am going to get Louis, and Louis would be mine."

(Not jade from LM, that's my baby I would never!)

Doctor Clark smiled at the thought of Louis being his and only his.

"I need to talk to Liam." Doctor Clark thought to himself as a smirk started to form on his lips.


Harry finally reached the last door that was in this long hallway. The door of the white room.

"Love is an open doooor!" Harry sang loudly before opening the door with his key then started screaming when the person inside the room started screamed in his face. (not sorry for that frozen reference)

Harry shut the door and locked it again. His screams got lower as he clutches his heart.

"What the hell?" Harry said to himself before making a huge turn and entering the room that monitors the white room.

When he walked inside and saw what was happening on the monitor screen his heart just stopped.

He saw his baby Louis, crying on his knees with his head leaning against the door. He was shirtless and his hair was all over the place.

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