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Author's Notes:

1. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

2. Any criticism, and opinionated reference to any race in this novel is only for the benefit of the story and does not necessarily reflect that of the author.

The TUTOR © 2015 by Jeni Ronato. All Rights Reserved.  


Brookside Manor

"NOW SARAH, I want you to circle all the pictures of the words that start with Ee." Rebecca said to her charge, Sarah. She worked as a governess for the Jordanian toddler for a couple of months now. She was thankful for this job because her times was flexible and her charge, Sarah, was a very charming child.

Sarah was a daughter of a Jordanian businessman. Rebecca had heard from Nana Mareng, the housekeeper, that Sarah's mother had passed away when the child had been born. Nana Mareng had used to work as a domestic helper for Sarah's grandfather in Jordan. When Sarah's father had some business in Manila, Nana Mareng had requested to come to Philippines with the widower for which he had been grateful. It was Nana Mareng who took care of Sarah from birth. Having no grandchildren yet, she was enamored by the beautiful child. She was also the one who hired Rebecca to be the little girl's governess.

Sarah was a beautiful child. She had a sunny disposition that came with beautiful appearance. Her dark, wavy curls framed her pretty face and dark lashes surrounded her eyes. She was indeed a beautiful child that showed promises of a beautiful woman. She was smart, too. It was a good thing the child knows more English words than children of her age. These endearing qualities made the job a lot easier for Rebecca.

Rebecca saw Nana Mareng hovering at the door of their makeshift study room. She looked up from her charge and smiled. "What is it, Nana Mareng?" she asked.

"Mr. Al Ameri will arrive some time this afternoon. He wants to meet you and discuss some things about Sarah." Nana Mareng replied. Rebecca nodded and consulted her watch. It was already half past one. Perhaps he would be there anytime now.

Moments later, Rebecca was having afternoon snack with Sarah and Nana Mareng at the dining room when they heard the door from the living room opened and closed.

"Sarah!" a voice called out. Strange, it sounded familiar.

"Aba!" Sarah jumped from her chair and ran towards the living room to greet her father. Nana Mareng and Patricia followed the bouncing child at a slower pace.

They saw Sarah jumped up into her father's arms.

"Aishtahkaht leka!" The man said, telling the little girl in his arms that he missed her.

The man turned to the two women with a smile and Rebecca froze. No, it can't be. Her heart raced and her breathing quickened in disbelief She shook her head.

The man's smile disappeared and was replaced by a serious look.

"Rebecca." He said casually in a greeting as if the he had known she would be there.

The way he said her name confirmed her worst fear.

It was him. He was here.

To be continued..

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