Chapter Five: The Mess

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I wake up in the back of some sort of vehicle.

It's dark.

The motor is really old as you can tell by the rusty smell.

And it stinks - like real bad.

'' Hello?" I finally say after minutes of debating what to do.

"Shit, she's awake," an oddly familiar voice whispered.

"What? I thought you used the chloroform like Tessa asked you to!" Another voice scolded.

The first voice defended herself, " I did!"

As they quarrel, I start thinking a lot.

My kidnappers are females. Girls. High-school girls. Who's Tessa and why does she want to kidnap me. Argh this can't be happening right now I need to be at that party!

"Should I knock her out again?"

"No need," the second voice answers, as the car pulls over and stops. "We're here."

I gulp and prepare myself for the worst.

Leon's P.O.V

Phoebe pulls into the school parking lot looking as hot as ever. I wave to her as she nods her head to me in response.

She's coming in my direction.

SCORE! She's gonna ask me to the party.

I turn my back to her and face the guys, " okay people I'm bailing. I'm about to get a date with the hottest girl in school!"

"Alright!" They all say in support and start heading towards their lockers.

As I turn around, I notice something. Phoebe is gone.


I've been cracking my head all morning. After not finding Phoebe anywhere near the parking lot, I decided to go to class.

Maybe she just went in the building without me noticing her. Maybe she did it while I was talking to my buddies.

But something just didn't add up. I could have sworn she was coming in my direction. I mean it just didn't make any sense.



I look up to see my Math teacher and basically everyone else in class staring at me expectantly.

"Oh. Yeah right. Sorry. The answer is 2," I say, hoping he'll just think I suck at the subject.

Everyone laughed for about three minutes until Mr. Hicks got them to calm down.

"Dude," Mike, my best buddy, calls from behind me. " Mr. H was doing the routine attendance check."


I turn back and face the board, as everyone just keeps shouting 'present'.
I'll look for her at lunch.

Phoebe's P.O.V

After dragging me into a big, nice house, the two kidnappers sit me down and tie me to a wooden chair with white gold embellishments.

A tall, skinny teenage girl with long brown hair and blue eyes enters the room. She had a golden necklace with 'Tessa' embedded in it around her long neck. Her minions both have blonde hair and grey-blue eyes.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here," she says, trying to sound scary? Threatening? I honestly can't tell.

"Do I know you?" I snap back. At this point I'm more irritated than scared.

"No you don't. But I know of you. Paige Williams. "

What? I think. Paige is my sister. We barely look related.

"Okay..." I decide to play along. "And how exactly do you know of me?"

"Well I saw your name in my boyfriends contacts with a heart beside it and I want to know what's going on between you too and why you're in his contacts!" She yells, her body shaking with jealousy and anger.

"Do you seriously look through your boyfriend's phone?" I say, trying to come up with something to do or say.

"Answer the question, Paige." One of the blondies say.

"Yeah I will in a second but first I wanna ask you something. How did you find me?"

"That was easy," the other blondie says, "We used the number to find the address and we followed you to school, piece of cake."

"Okay good for you. Look I actually have to get to class. And by the way you should really do a little more research 'cuz my name is Phoebe and I actually do have a sister named Paige. Just try to get the right person next time."

" Ugh you idiots! I knew I should have done it myself!" Tessa yells at the two girls, clearly irritated.

"But-" they both try to say.

Tessa cuts them off, "No buts! Untie Penelope, drive her back to school and leave the rest to me!"

"Actually it's Phoebe-," one of them corrects.


"Nice place by the way," I tell Tessa as I leave towards the vehicle.
She just rolls her eyes and stomps upstairs.

Whiny bitch


It's lunch time by the time I get to school and I just think well that was fucked up.

As i reach in my locker to get my phone in hopes of warning Paige, Leon runs towards me, still looking as carefree as ever.

"There you are!" He says.

"There YOU are!" I mimic. "I've been looking all over for you!"

I didn't want to tell anyone about this. It was none of their business anyways.

"Me too! Weird. Huh. Anyway I'll pick you up at 9 tonight?"

"Fine, whatever. It's not like I have anything better to do," I reply.

"Great," he says with a smirk on his face. "See you then."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2015 ⏰

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