Chapter Two - Revenge

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Firstly, I would just like to give a big shout out to @RMimi67,GigiP0rgie, Misty103, iokayawrites11 and jackie_aa They have been really supportive and I wanted to express my gratitude towards them.

I had finally figured it out.

I had finally done it.

After two and a half sleepless nights it was finally complete.

Yes, I had constructed a genius plan to take down Leon Rigs - I was gonna give him a taste of his own medicine; except this medicine would be way more bitter and would last longer.

Here's the plan:

1. I must make sure neither Leon nor his buddies know I'm associated with Michi.

2. I have to glam up a notch and make him come to me.

3. I have to act clueless and like everything is fine even though I probably want to beat him to the pulp.

4. I need to assure he never discovers my plan.

5. I need to assure MICHI never discovers my plan - she's really bad at keeping secrets and acting.

6. I need to get close to his buddies as well.

7. I need him to really fall for me and not just want to play me like all other girls.

8. I must break his heart and do it in public, tarnishing his reputation.

I was also maybe thinking I should warm up to his parents to get some embarrassing and juicy childhood stories and pics from them.

Pretty devious, huh?

I wasn't usually this evil, but Leon really deserved it being such a douche and all. He'd done it before and he'd do it again if someone didn't stop him - I had to be that someone.


It was Wednesday already and that was the day I decided to get ready for my master plan. I chose Friday to actually make him fall for me since Thomas Ian will be hosting a huge party that everyone will be attending.

I couldn't just be interested in Leon all of a sudden, so I dropped a few hints throughout the week:

On Monday I winked at him and gave him my best "I-want-to-sleep-with-you" look.

On Tuesday I wore a really short skirt and bent down right in front of his "table" in the cafeteria cause I'd "dropped something". I caught him checking out my butt and bit my lips naughtily at him.

Also, if any of his friends would hit on me around him, I'd turn them down and humiliate them. He thought it was really funny and kept laughing at them, giving me more of an urge to beat him up.

I'd also been ignoring Michi. For example, if it was lunch and she'd try to sit beside me, I'd excuse myself from the rest o the girls and go elsewhere. Also, if she called or texted me, I wouldn't respond. My inbox got so full I blocked her number. Whenever she tried to speak to me at school, I would rush to one of my next classes or to my car.

Anyways, today I was going to have a complete makeover. I needed to attract Leon and with things he really looked for in a girl:

•indecent clothing
•long hair

That was it.


I ditched school and drove straight to Appleton Mall. I brought multiple credit cards and I got my daddy to hire a chauffeur to take me the places I needed to go. My parents were both lawyers and were loaded so I wasn't worried one bit.

After about 3 hours of shopping, I had about 40 shopping bags in my hand - I didn't even know there were that many stores in the mall! In these bags were:

•short skirts
•MAC makeup
•push-up bras
•various hair extensions

FYI, though I already had most of these things, they were way less as exposing as the ones I bought.


I got home from the mall and just went over a few school things before plopping myself on my bed to resume my plotting. I was truly and utterly proud of myself.

•makeup ✅
•indecent clothing✅
•stupidity ✅
•long hair✅

Now all I needed to do was get Leon to notice me...

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