Chapter Three - Plan: Successful

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I woke up at 4:30am to get ready.

After about an hour of snoozing and complaining to myself, I finally got out of my bed and started getting ready.

After I completed my skin care routine, I sat myself in front of my vanity and begun applying my makeup and curling my hair.

There was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"Paige," the voice answered.

"Come in!"

Paige is my twin sister. She has black long hair, unlike mine, blue eyes and is super skinny and tall. We are fraternal twins and we barely even look like sisters. ...she's always been better than me: prettier, smarter, nicer, you name it!

"What is it, Paige?"

"Woah, sis. What's the occasion?" She exclaims, brushing off my question.

I reply with an evil smirk on my face and a raised eyebrow, "Revenge."

"On who?"

"Leon Rigs," I say casually.

"But why-"

I cut her off, "It was nice talking to you but I have a mission to fulfill. Oh and by the way I need you to cover for me if the parentals come home. Tell them I went shopping with Michi or something. Ok, thanks, bye." I slam the door in her face before she can say anything.

Paige doesn't go to Appleton, she attends a boarding school in England. Since she is SO much smarter than me, she got acceptance and a scholarship to Oxford High School. I couldn't get in so I just stayed in Appleton. I think she's on spring break or something.

I put on my outfit, grab my keys and head out to Starbucks ( hehe you thought I was going to say school didn't you😝). As the saying goes, " But first, coffee."


I get to school early, just as planned. Casually, I walk to Leon's locker and use a credit car to open it. Carefully, I slip in a note that reads:

Hey, babe. I saw you at football practice and couldn't help but notice how hot you looked in your football jersey. I wonder if you'd look as hot without it on... or anything on.

Call me @555-0356.


Just writing that note was disgusting. I felt like a whore already. Oh well... what people do for love. (I meant my love for Michi you creep!)


It's lunch time and I'm sitting alone at a table next to Leon's.

'Accidentally' my purse falls off my table beside Leon's bench, so he bends down to get it.

"Hey, babe," he said in his usual husky voice. "You dropped this."

Gag, we're not even dating and he's calling my babe... well not for long... still tho perv!

"Oh thanks," I say casually without making much eye contact.

"I read your note and-" he tries saying but I cut him off.

"Listen I was drunk last night and my girlfriends and I were playing truth or dare so don't take that note seriously," I tell him, trying my best to sound earnest and uninterested.

"Oh, okay then," he says sounding disappointed. Creep. "If you change your mind, tho, let me know."

"Yeah whatever, thanks," I tell him, dismissing him with my eyes.

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