Chapter 11

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Kirstie's P.O.V~

It's kinda weird being back I mean, I've been gone so long they don't even recognise me! I know it's my fault and I know I upset Scott but I could have some fun with this...

I parked up my bike around the back of the school and made my way back to the ceremony. I walk around the corner and lean against the wall watching Scott interact with his friends, yes I never liked them but I like to see people happy. I know what you're thinking 'Kirstie? The Kirstin who hates everything is happy about something?!?! What is this!?' But yes I've come to terms with everything and am no longer a moody bitch, but that doesn't mean am not still badass.

Mitch turns around and makes eye contact with me, that look says it all, he knows who I am. I lift my finger up to my lips and smile, he nods and turns back around at least I know he won't snitch.

I walk over to them and stand by Scotts side, he puts his arm around me but carries on talking.

Esther turns to me "Hey Kiki! I love your style! Where did you get your clothes?"

I give her a smile one because I'm acting and two because I love that she bought I'm a different person. "I made them, I took a textiles course so I'm reasonably good at sewing."

She looks at me like I've grown another head, she pauses for a second before replying. "O. M. G. NO WAY! That is so cool! Can you make me something?!?"

I laugh and shake my head. "Yeah but not this second now."

She laughed along with me, it's amazing how attitudes change.

"Hey Scott I just remembered I need to tell you, I just moved back into town, I got a job at a local record label, it seems stable so hopefully I'll be staying for a while!"

"Oh my gosh that's great Kit! We'll be able to see each other so much more!"
He pulls me into a hug and I smile, I've missed this.

"Hey Kiki do you want to come to a graduate party later? You'd definitely be able to get in since you're Scotts girl." I turn to Avi and smile.

"Well it depends wether Scotty wants me there...." I turn to Scott to look him in the eye.

"Anything you want Kit."
I smile and turn back to Avi.

"Ok I'll drop by"


"Ok well I'll see you later then!"
I say and walk back to my bike getting out my suit and heading back to my apartment. When I get there I get changed and head over to Scotts house.

When I arrive I say hi to his mum and my and Scott hang/catch up/make out until dark, deciding to drive his car to the party instead of my bike we hop in and make our way over to the location.

When we arrive I see faces turn and try to recognise me, one of them even saying they love my music, yet none pinpointing me as the baggy-clothed-goth-girl who was a barely at their school.

Me and Scott made our way over to a couch which houses his friends at the moment. We sat down and people got talking and drinking until finally the inevitable game of truth or dare began.

"Ok Kiki truth or dare?"

"Ummm dare!"

"I dare you to run outside and jump in the pool, naked!"

I laughed and stood up, removing my dress and throwing it in Scotts face, before being rid of my undergarments and walking out side, the group following me to make sure I followed through. I jumped in and felt the warm water all around me, I came up to the surface and looked at everyone whooping and cheering. Scott was stood there dumbfounded holding my clothes, shocked at what had just happened.

"Come on in the waters warm!"

And one by one everyone stripped down and jumped in. I found Scott and latched onto him.

"Weren't expecting that were ya?"

He laughed and kissed me.


A few weeks after my music career was lifting off I was getting calls for interviews and my songs were on the radio half the time. People seemed to like my voice so I was happy to comply. Me and Scott were doing fine, we were hanging out allot and Mitch came along sometimes as he was the only one who knew who I was.

One day Scott got a call from Kevin:

Yes Mitch let that slip but he didn't let slip that Kiki was in fact Kirstie which I was great full for. Although somewhere along the line, someone had to slip up.

We where all hanging out when:

"Hey Kirstie, can you pass me that?"

And that's how they found out. They seemed to have grown up though and apologised for what they did.  So everything was fine I guess.

Good things come to those who wait (Scirstie)Where stories live. Discover now