Thirty Five •

65 3 1

Nev Quinn

To many people on this plane!

To much complaining on this plane!

Okay never mind, I'm complaining.

My phone vibrated.

Change of plans, you guys have to break up now. I'm sorry, it has to happen.

Simon texted.

Why do we have to break up already?

I threw my phone and curled up in a ball on the floor.

"Nev, what's wrong?" I picked up my head and Mia was picking up my phone.

Her eyes went wide.

"Babe! I'm sorry!" She pulls me into a hug.

I can't.

I can't break up with him.

"In guessing you got the message" I heard Niall sniffle.

"I'll uh, leave you guys" Mia let go of me.

"I don't wanna do this" He said taking a seat next to me.

"What are we supposed to tell everyone? They can't just make us break up and not give us a story behind it"

"I-I don't k-know"

"I guess we have to just tell everyone we broke up now" I sniffled.

He nodded.

I grabbed my phone back from the floor.

I lost him.

I tweeted.

I got up and ran towards where everyone else was sitting.

I sat next to the nearest person and cried on their shoulder.

"Its gonna be okay Nev, you can get through this" It was Zayn.

I didn't respond, I just kept crying.

Once we got off the plane and back home I went straight to my room.

I locked the door and cried on my bed.

I opened my mini fridge and got out a soda.

I drank it and popped in a movie.

I started watching The Fault In Our Stars, but screamed at the TV.

I cried because Hazel and Agustus have a perfect relationship and they don't have to worry about management and other people trying to tear them apart.

I looked on Twitter.

Yes! Finally! They broke up, now we have nothing to worry about. The ugly whore is gone!

One fan tweeted.

Then I looked at the comments.

Don't call her a whore when she's not. She's beautiful, funny, sweet and nothing near a whore. You call yourself a fan?

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