Twenty One •

108 4 1

Nev Quinn

He stopped the car at a cliff.

We stepped out of the car and made our way to the edge.

Was I afraid of heights? Yes.

Was I gonna sit down? No.

He sat down with his feet dangling off the cliff.

"Come sit with me" He patted the spot next to him.

I shook my head.

"Why not? You scared of heights?"

I nodded.

"Don't worry. I'm right here. I'll hold you" He smiled.

I hesitated, but sat next to him.

I curled up next to him, bringing my knees to my chin, wrapping my arms around my legs, him putting his arm around me, pulling me closer to him.

"Look at the water" He said.

I looked down a bit.

It was a river. It was pretty.

The lights from all the tall buildings shone down on it, making the water sparkle.

"Its pretty" I said.

"Just like you" He looked at me.

"I like the vamps more" I laughed.

"Sure" He chuckled.

I hated when he called me pretty.

But I also loved it so much.

Is that weird?

"I don't like being called pretty" I looked up at him.

"Why not?"

"Its not me. I'm not pretty, no one is. I'm one of those girls who is girly, but has more of an edge to her personality. I like to go on adventures, do dangerous things, get into trouble"

"Everyone is pretty. You can have your girly days and you can have your tomboy days, either way your pretty. You'll always be pretty on my eyes" He kissed my forehead.

I groaned in frustration.

"What's wrong?" He laughed.

"I just said I don't like being called pretty. Its like you wanna lose your dick"

"Depends on where it ends up in"

"Shut up"


"You know we have 2 people to thank for us being here, together, right now?"

"Who are those 2 people?"

"Harry and God. If Harry didn't bump into me when he did, I wouldn't be here and God is the reason he bumped into me" I smiled at him.

"Your right. We really need to thank both of them." He smiled back.

We looked above us-- at the stars, and moon.

Thank you.

"Can you believe that Simon is signing me?" I said.

"Yes I can. You have an amazing voice, your very talented"

I groaned.

"I don't want a sap all the time Horan!"

"Well in that case, your Talentless and you suck"

"Thank you" I laughed.

"That wasn't me"

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