It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better

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I lay in bed next to Blade's sleeping body. I remember his parents shocked faces when I told them my unnerving news. In the end, they said that my secret was safe with them and that they were there for me if I needed them. I am forever grateful to them. Blade snores relatively softly next to me. I smirk at his face. I hear a noise downstairs, like someone knocking on the door. I glance at the clock and realize it is one in the morning. My eyebrows come together in confusion. Who could be knocking at this hour? I quietly make my way away from Blade trying not to wake him and I shuffle cautiously down the stairs that I am still not used to. I open the door a little bit and see an old woman standing there. I open the door all the way, assuming that she is not a threat.

"May I help you ma'am?" I ask.

"Is your name Belle?" She asks. I look at her in confusion.

"Good, we don't have much time, may I come in?"

"Um... sure." I say figuring that if she decides to make me into Belle stew that I could just yell for Blade. She makes her way to a couch and she sits down. I sit down opposite of her so that we are facing each other.

"I'm sorry if I sound rude but, who are you?"

"Oh, not rude at all Princess. I am Amelia. Now I need to spit this all out before I am forced to leave which is very soon. Here's the thing. You, are not human as you have probably just figured out. You are part werewolf part fae. You are also our princess."
"Our princess?" I question her. How does she know all of this stuff?
"Yes your highness, I am one of your few subjects. Your parents were killed when you were very young. When they were killed, you were at your grandparents. Once your grandparents found out, they took control of all of the fae but they sent you away with a trusted servant for they knew that a war was coming The fae against vampires. The plan was to take you back after the war. However, they were killed during this war and you had no one to return to and the servant did not know what to do. She tried to take care of you as best as she could but you were taken away and adopted. We have been trying to track you down since we found out about this. Now here's the important part, there is something brewing between the races. The fae, vampire, werewolf and witches. Something is wrong. We don't quite know what it is yet but the danger is immense. May I ask how many of the fae abilities you have acquired?" My head spins but I calm myself and answer her question.

"Well, I have had signs of having all of the fae gifts and most recently, mind reading."

"Oh dear, this is far worse than I imagined."

"What's wrong?"
"There was murmurings long long ago that there would be a great war. The races would be fighting against each other and there will be much bloodshed. Leaders will rise and form together but one will not make it. This war won't be between good and evil, it will be between love and hate. You must prepare my dear princess! You must train as hard as you can. I shall send for the rest of the fae. They shall come out of hiding. They will be overjoyed to see their princess. You must be strong for them. You need gain alliances with the werewolves and find out what we are up against and what they want. Your powers may decrease once the war is over but for now you must learn to fight to the best of your abilities and lead your people. We are counting on you. Goodbye princess." The door swings open and she jogs out of the house while the door swings shut behind her. I need some Tylenol. War, training, races oh my.

I make my way upstairs slowly and plop down on the bed next to Blade. I toss and turn and after an hour I realize that I can't sleep. I go down the stairs again and throw on an apron. I bake until the morning comes and Blade walks down the stairs. He stops dead in his tracks.

"Belle, what are you doing?"
"Cooking." I croak out. My voice sounds terrible from the lack of sleep.

"Why is my dining table filled with food?" I look at his giant dining table and sure enough it is filled with food everywhere.

"Because there isn't anymore room in the fridge or the freezer. Which reminds me, the only food that I haven't cooked yet is the raisins, frozen pizza, and Cheerios. Oh wait, I just used the Cheerios so never mind with those." His eyes widen.

"How early were you up?!" My memory flashes back to the woman. How should I explain that one to him?

" I didn't sleep last night." He runs a hand through his hair and lets out a breath. I clean up the last of the dishes and look to see a clean but very food infested kitchen.

"Why didn't you sleep?" I just shrug. "Well, I guess this calls for a pack party. I'll call them and you can take a nap while I call them or get dressed or whatever." I nod my head and make my way up stairs. I hear him mumble, "That table is over ten feet long and it is covered! Oh dear potato juice my fridge is crammed!"

I shower and get dressed. I'm surprised when I look in the mirror and see that I don't have dark circles under my eyes. I throw on some light make up. I look in the mirror and sigh. Welp, as usual, this is as good as it gets. I make my way downstairs and see Blade setting up a bunch of tables.

"Belle could you put the food on the tables while I set them up?"

"Sure." I'm just about to carry the food but I decide against it. Why not use my powers right? Amelia said I should start training. So I imagine air going beneath all of the food on the tables and in the fridge and lifting them up. I shut the fridge door and open the outside door and the food follows behind me like a trail of loyal soldiers. Blades eyes widen as he sees my magic in play. I set the food down gently and use my mind to throw the tops of them off and set them to the side.

"That's gonna be pretty hard to get used to." He says referring to my amazing gift. I just smirk. I throw some wind to make his kaki shorts fall to the ground.

"Well, at least we know who wears the pants in this house." I giggle at my joke. His glares at me while pulling his pants up.

"That was so not funny."

"Aw, you just don't have a sense of humor." He growls playfully and quickly comes to my side and starts tickling me.

"You are very cruel, love, do you know that." I gasp for air as he continues to torture me. I make a small amount of water from the pool and throw it at his head. Bulls eye. I run into the house and he comes stomping in behind me.

"That was not ok." He says trying to dry off his face with a towel. "I will get you back for that if it the last thing I do. I just roll my eyes and mumble a "Yeah right." The doorbell rings and I open it to Blade's parents.

"Hi ma! Hi dad! The foods out back!" They just stare at me and my eyes move between them in confusion.
"YOU CALLED US MOM AND DAD!!!!!" June squeals and wraps her arms around me while crying. Blade's dad bats away tears. I guess this is the first time that have called them that. Who knew it would mean so much to them. They make their way towards Blade and I open the door in case further guests come so I won't have to come when the door bell rings every single time.

The entire pack showed up and each time they came they all remarked on how much food there was. They all called me Luna Belle which was very different. Valerie and I talk a lot and she gives me her phone number and tells me to call her whenever and I give her the house phone number because I don't have my own cellphone. We pack up after dinner time and Blade and I collapse on the bed in exhaustion from the wonderful day we had.

"My parents were smitten ever since you called them mom and dad." I smile at the ceiling staring at the fan going round and round. Blade is doing the same.

"They feel like my parents. Which is a first for me because I have never felt this way before. It feels nice. Even though my real parents died a long time ago-"

"I thought you said that you didn't know what happened to them?"

"Belle, what aren't you telling me?"
"Blade," I say turning to him and him turning to me. "we need to talk." His eyebrow raises questioningly.

Well, my little Smurfs, I decided to update for the first time in forever. PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT, AND STAY CLASSY. Thank you and good night.

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