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With a heavy sigh, the woman paused her entire thought process as she stopped before her workplace.

A run down, rickety, little pub. It was a filthy place, filled with all the wrong crowed, which was why it made home in back alley, far away from the eyes of decent people.

The pub served food and drink all day, and the woman was disgusted to admit, it was usually full of drunks from the moment it opened.

Not only this, but the owner was a pervert. A vile little man, of which still attempted to make advances on her to this day.

She shuddered.

With a deep breath, she put on a smile, and entered the building. The stench of cheap alcohol and marijuana smacked her in the face like a brick, and it took everything in her power to not vomit up last night's dinner.


Called the boss. Smiling a sickly, sweet smile at him, she walked over and raised an eyebrow.

"Good mornin' sir."

She replied. Instantly, she was met with a gap-toothed grin. The putrid stench of whiskey, and something else, hit her nose. Her eyes nearly began to water.

"Mornin' little darlin'! Now you go change int'a that pretty little uniform of yours! The Marines is here today, so everybody will be seeking refuge 'ere!"

"Oh, lovely. Thanks a lot, bitch. You could've done the whole, 'tying bricks to your feet, and jumping into the sea' thing, but noooo! Now I have to sit here, and watch as drug addicts, and drunks flock to this place like sheep!"

Sighing for, what seemed like, the hundredth time this morning, (Name) simply brushed both her boss, and Luna, off. As she changed from her own clothes, to the skimpy material she had for a uniform in the bathroom, she examined the various cuts and bruises that littered her body.

All of them were delivered by some drunk man of whom she had denied her virginity. It was weird, really. It hurt more looking at them now, then when they were actually received.

Making her way back into the main area of the pub, she folded her clothes, and set them down behind the bar. After that, she set about her daily business.


10:23 PM.

Leaning on the bar from exhaustion, the young woman groaned as her aching legs trembled lightly. She was the only waitress here, and had been slaving away for far too long.

The pub, naturally, got fuller as time passed. And was now packed to bursting. For a moment, she closed her eyes. She blocked out the noise around her, and breathed.

"That's it! There you go! Just breathe, (Nick-Name)!"

A small smile graced her lips at the encouragement, however, her smile faltered as she realized... The pub had genuinely fell silent.

Snapping open her eyes, she watched as a trio of men, and a...polar bear, took a seat at a booth in the corner of the room. Her eyebrows came together.

Slowly, (e/c) eyes scanned over the men.

The first thing she noticed was the jolly rodger.

A lump lodged in her throat, her shaking legs seemed to begin to vibrate, rather than tremble. Her nails scraped against the counter. Again, the partially covered face of the man in the dream came to mind.

Her gaze drifted up the black, ankle length coat of the captain, before locking on his face.


A piercing contrast compared to his otherwise dark ensemble. Those eyes, they were so painfully familiar.

Panic began to well up in her system as a sly smirk pulled at the lips of the navy-blue hair male. Their eyes remaining locked as he beckoned her over with a finger.

She couldn't move. Her feet wouldn't cooperate.

The Captain's smirk grew even further, and the hand that had been calling out to her, arose into the air. His hand turned so his palm was downcast, fingers curling as if he was imitating the claw of a wild animal.


An electric blue swirl of light began to spin around his hand, before expanding, engulfing the entire building in it's glow.

The entire room remained silent as he picked up a coaster from his table, and held it up, before dropping it. Suddenly, without any recollection of even moving, she was beside him.

Watching as the coaster fell to ground where she had just been standing.


Suddenly, the dome of light shrank. His body seemingly absorbing the light. Releasing a fearful sigh, she slowly turned her head to gaze into the predatory eyes of the man.

Flash after flash of the face of the masked man was shot into her mind. Alternating between his stoic face, and his grin, doused in blood.

The eyes were exactly the same. The hat was exactly the same. She was sure that even the grin was the same.

Her heart beat picked up, she began to feel dizzy.

"(Name)! You have to get out of there!"

"What are you waiting for, idiot?! Run!"

"Hurry up!"

"Get out! (Name), listen to us!"


Both voices melded together, her body began to sway. She staggered to keep her balance, leaning on the table for support.

"Captain, is she ok?"

A worried, blurry voice gasped.

A low chuckle was the first response the voice got. Her dizzy, (e/c) eyes flickered up to meet startling yellow once again.

"It seems she can't handle the Surgeon Of Death."

Her legs gave way.

Her vision cut off.

Her hearing melted away.

She passed out.

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