Chapter 14 - Family

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The was crisper here in the boundry lands. No one lived here, not even the Tattooed. Nothing grew here but plants that were far to tough to eat and there was far too little water for someone to survive. Animals were even tough, they had to be to be able to survive in such a place. I imagined that the ground would be cold, no clouds were in the sky so that heat of the day wasn't held in. It was probably creeping into the early morning hours, I should probably be heading back to the house. Eddy would more than likely be sleeping and Dimitri might even be back, sleeping soundly or worried sick that wasn't there. I hadn't thought to leave a note in my rush. I had just needed to leave my cover life for alittle while, I wondered if Dimitri did this sometimes. Leaving for a few hours to be Dimitri again and not his cover life, if he just took to the sky for a few hours to be hisself. Or if he was always so caught up in his fake life, if all he ever did was his mission and never thought of himself.

I banked, dipping as low as I dared to the ground. I was right, it was pretty cold this close and I didn't have proper clothing. My hair was probably a tangled mess, it whipped in the wind and for once I was concerned that it was to long. My hair even as beautiful as I thought it was, was to long to be flying with. I would cut it, maybe to my chin. It would a drasic change from waist length to being so short but I needed a change. A personal change not a one like the mission, not a lifestyle. Just something that didn't mean I had to change who I was. I sighed, it was a long sigh, I had held my breathe without even realizing it. Wing currents pulled me higher and higher and I was as high as I ever was and I loved it. No one was here to judge me on how I was flying, on how I was carrying myself, on how I was dressed. I liked it, I couldn't wait to leave Central and return to my home in Fuga. I might even make a trip to see Staci Lynn and Dragon, they lived in a Escaped city just past the lakes in the west.

I turned in a tight half circle and headed back, I'd been gone far to long and being out here when it's cold isn't good for me, isn't good for the baby.


"Morning family." Dimitri was happy today, actually talking to us in the morning routine. Eddy and I were more in shock and said nothing but rather stared at him as he went about making himself breakfast. He was humming? Dimitri, the man who had practically ignored his family for the last month was humming? "Well I see that you two are in a fool mood. Not answering my good morning with any kind of response." That snapped us out of our daze. Eddy cheerfully gave him a 'good morning daddy' before she began eating agian, keeping her eye on Dimitri all the while.

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked. His response was a confused look like I had just asked him the most difficult question ever. "You're humming and actually speaking to us this morning. You haven't spoken a word in the mornings to us in the past month." He seemed to understand that.

"I know and I'm sorry for that but now we need to all work together and be an actually family. I mean we are going to be a real family and everything once the baby is here so we need to start acting like. I mean really being a family, not just as a cover." It was me that gave the confused look this time. What in the world was this man talking about? "Well, Wyn, you already act like Eddy's mother and well I think it's time we made it official." Dimitri's cheek were tinted a shade of pink. Did he just?...No he didn't just...did he? Had Dimitri just said we need to make it official? Like make us official? Make our marriage official or our relationship official? Was he asking me to be his girlfriend or his wife?

"Make w-what official?" My words were broken, I was stuttering. I never stutter, never, oh dear lord. I knew my face was tinted a deeper shade of red than I was comfortable with. Eddy's mouth hung open, shocked, her spoon dangling from her hand, about to slip and plunge into her milk and cearel. She seemed not to know anything that her father was talking about.

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