Chapter 10 - Central

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We moved in the middle of the night, the few friends we had with flying tattoos help us move the boxes and suitcases. When we reached the edge of the Forest there was a truck filled with newly bought large household items and a small family car. We packed in the boxes and suitcases, making more than one trip in one night. It was tough to do all that flying but the heaviest thing I was even allowed to carry was the boxes of bedding. I questioned why they even made me fly that much if they weren't going to let me do any kind of lifting.

The last trip back to the truck was just the three of us, Eddy lay on my back, drifting in and out of sleep and Dimitri carried the last of our bags. We flied in silence, the tension of our lastest arugement hanging between us. It was over something completely stupid none the less, hell I couldn't even remember what it was about, I just knew that he was still fuming. Dimitri kept eye contact to a minimum and talking was a 'no' since it all went down.

Eddy shifted, I banked to keep her from falling to far to one side. She'd fall completely off of me if she leaned to heavily on my arms. She mumbled in her sleep, I quietly hoped she wasn't drooling.

We reached the truck just before dawn, the sun's rays just below the tree line. Dimitri tucked the last of the bags into the trunk of the car and helped a half asleep Eddy into her carseat.

"Follow me and stay close. I don't you to get to far behind and not be able to catch up." He didn't look at me as he finished buckling his daughter in. I nodded, knowing he wouldn't see it but knowing he wouldn't speak to me again until we probably reached the house. And even then he might only be doing it for show, to put on a good face for the neighbors.

I had been briefed that I was to play a housewife, no career. I was orphaned at a young age causing me to run from the carehouse I had been living in just. I then meet the love of my life Dimitri, though his cover name was Damon. After meeting we soon found out I was pregnant and married in a swift Government wedding. Dimitri was a warehouse worker at the biggest Government warehouse in the Providence. My cover name was Wynifred since Eddy was so young she might slip and call me Wyn infront of people. We hoped that she'd continue to call me mom and wouldn't slip on anything. Eddy's name was going to stay the same so that it was easier for her.

We knew people would ask questions about us and why we suddenly moved. The story was set that I was the step-mother to Eddy, I had lost my baby in a freak accident that caused me to have a horrible scar on my back. Which covered why I couldn't wear the more revealing clothing that women in this Providence were known to wear. The story of how Eddy's real mother died wasn staying the same as not to confuse Eddy anymore than she would be. Dimitri was going to be a hard working man who pulled a lot of hours, causing him to be gone more and would be why we had moved, the same reason many people move to another Providence, the money.

"Wyn, how much longer?"

"We just left, go back to sleep. It's going to be awhile before we're even close." I followed Dimitri as he pulled onto the main road. It would lead us all the way to the Central Providence, that was about all I knew of the road. It was mid-winter so the roads might be covered in snow and I hadn't driven a car, ever ", Let's listen to something." I clicked the port on, it's small screen lighting the inside of the car. Eddy's music drifted through the speakers, the piano's melody would put her to sleep in no time.

WIthin a few minutes Eddy's breathing changed, meaning she was asleep again. I smiled to myself, thinking that this might be a good thing. Moving into the Tattoo-less world could be good for Eddy, if we could stay here long enough for her Checking and she wasn't a Tattooed then she could stay in this world, away from danger. Eddy could live a normal life and not be running around trees with people who could kill her simple with the ink in their skin.

The Tattooed | Completed | ✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin