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Neymar: And how did it go

Elena: I got the job!

Neymar: Congrats!!

Neymar: Where actually

Elena: Don't be sad but it's adidas

Neymar: What are you actually gonna do

Elena: Sport, designing clothes for the clubs and I think i would go for football ofcours and than they put me in the crew where they making commercials. It's a two side job, exactly what i wanted

Neymar: How did you get it

Elena: Uhm i asked for help

Neymar: Your dad

Elena: Is it bad

Neymar: No I would've done the same

Neymar: It sucks you didn't chose Nike so you could've work with me

Elena: Don't switch to adidas. Its like a barca player going to real not good

Neymar: Well I'm not going to real

Elena: Yeah they don't need you

Neymar: Uh every team needs a Neymar I'm Neymar aff

Elena: Neymar what?

Neymar: That's what my fans always say

Neymar: Don't judge them their awesome

Elena: Your fans are called neymarszettes right?

Neymar: Yash

Elena: It sounds like a army or something

Neymar: Trust me they are

Neymar: But do you wanna join the groupchat again

Elena: Fine but if Adriano gets on my nerves like he always does i will kill him

Neymar: Don't drag me with you two teenage girl problems

Elena: Excuse me

Neymar: Kidding


- Elena joins the group -

Douglas: ELENAA

Elena: Heeeeeeeey

Douglas: Finally

Elena: Naaaaawh missed me

Rafihna: He was angry you left him alone with idiots

Elena: Well you all are

Dani: I heard you got the job congrats

Douglas: What job?

Elena: Adidas :)

Adriano: eew


Douglas: We're happy for you Elena :)

Rafihna: Yes

Elena: Thank you so much guys

Neymar: Guess what

Adriano: What

Neymar: Tell em Elena

Elena: I'm moving to Barcelona for my job

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