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 I am falling.

Falling in pure darkness.

There are no walls, no doors, nothing to grab onto.

There's no top, no bottom.

Just endless falling.

I wake up to the low rumbling of a motorcycle.

My eyes open slowly and I as I slowly begin to regain my vision, I realize that I'm facing the ceiling.

At first I think I'm back in my dorm and relax when I see the color of the ceiling. Cream-colored. My ceiling is light blue.

I sit up, only to hiss and press my hand against my forehead as I feel a hard pounding in my brain.

When some of the pounding subsides, I open my eyes slowly to see cream-colored walls that are flooded with light from the afternoon sun pouring through the blinds. I'm sitting in a bed with a red comforter and a dressing table along with a lamp are next to it. Next to it are two other doors and mirror in front of me. One of the doors are open, giving me a view of a toilet and a bathtub. I'm a bedroom, but it's not my bedroom. It's a stranger's.

I don't want to get up. I'm afraid that I'll collapse since my legs feel numb.

I look into the mirror in front of me, taking in the jean shorts and the large T-shirt. My neck is bare. There are no black diamonds hanging from it at all.

Where's my dress?

Where's my jewelry?

My face is completely scrubbed of make up and my hair is out and messy.

Where am I?

What happened last night?

My head pounds as I struggle to remember, and just at the point where I'm about break, I remember everything: The party, the walk home, the alley way, the two boys - I forgot both of their names -, the chocolates, tires squealing, blacking out.

I was kidnapped.

Tears flood in my eyes as I realize this and I let out a choked sob.

Why didn't I bring my phone with me? I could've called 911. I could've called a damn taxi. Then none of this would have ever happened. Damn me and my stupid brain.

I look up and look at the window.

Just as I'm about to test my legs and walk over to it, the door creaks open and I scramble backwards.

The door swings open and a boy in a black V-neck with jeans steps in.

My blood goes cold as I recognize him. I don't remember his name, but his face is crystal clear. He's one of the boys that kidnapped me last night. I recognize his short hair, his brown eyes, his dimples, his snakebites. He smirks when he sees me.

"So you're awake," he says, stepping closer.

I scramble backwards as he takes another step towards me until I'm backed up against the headboard.

"Where am I?" I demand, but it comes out scratchy and thin. "Who are you? Why am I here?"

"Easy, easy," the stranger says. "Calm down. My name is Jerry. I'm not surprised you don't remember me because of all those drugs I gave you."

I freeze. Those chocolates were drugged?

"The other questions I can't answer," he says. "The boss's brother can though. Let me go get him. You stay right here and look cute." He winks at me before leaving, locking the door behind him.

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