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I sigh, shutting my laptop for what feels like the millionth time today. Why does it have to be so impossible to figure this whole thing out? Oh wait, maybe because I have practically no information!

Two days ago, Vickie was found, and there were many questions as to what happened to her. The police and hospital answered with the simple answer; animal bite. However, I know that it wasn't. I saw her dripping in blood, and then literally disappear, and I'm pretty sure animals weren't that fast last time I checked, which was about a minute ago. So it couldn't be an animal.

People don't leave two puncture wounds.

They also don't move that fast, in fact I don't know of anything that does, at least nothing that actually exists, right? I have to get more information about this, which means visiting the bitch herself, and talking to Matt. The second one would be easier.

I wonder if more attacks like this will happen, and if so, who will be next. It better not be me, that's all I know. Once I get some basic information, I might be able to get something off of google, but who knows what is true on there these days?

I get up from my comfortable bed, and walk out of my room, going downstairs to leave the house. As I am reaching for the doorknob to the front door, I hear Jenna's voice,

"Where are you going?" she asks me.

"Um, out." I state the obvious.

"Out where?" she asks suspisiously.

"Somewhere." I say simply.

"Rora—" she starts angrily.

"I am just going to the grill!" I say exasperatedly.

"Why wouldn't you just tell me before?" she asks.

"Because I didn't think it mattered, now bye." I say, turning the knob and walking out of the door before closing it behind me.

I go to my car and start it after a few tries, and pull out of the driveway. After driving for a couple of minutes, the towns ugly hospital  comes in to view. I groan as I get out of my car and walk to the door of the hospital. I really don't like this girl. I walk in and come up to the lady behind the front desk.

"How may I help you?" she asks politely.

"I would like to visit Vicky Donovan." I say with a fake smile.

"Okay, room 20b" she says, and I go on my way.

I walk down the white hallway, the walls in need of a paint job, and the floor needing to be mopped, I think I even see a drop of blood on the ground. I watch the numbers go by, 18b, 19b, and then I finally see 20b, and I walk up to it. 

I put my  hand on the cold metal doorknob, turning it slowly, then pushing the door open quietly.

"Who's there?" I hear the annoying shriek from inside the room.

Well I have no doubt it's Vicky now.

I enter the room with a groan and  look at the little creature before me. She might actually be taller than me, I don't know. 

"Hey Icky, I mean Vicky." I give a smile so fake, that even someone with practically no brain such as her, could tell.

She groans at the sight of me, giving me a slight glare. Me and Vicky have never gotten along, for I am not a nice person and she is a stupid druggie who plays with my brothers emotions. I can hardly stand being in the same room as her.

"What do you want," she says sourly, squinting her eyes.

"Well trust me when I say I don't want to be here, but it's for Jeremy's sake." I lie.

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