chapter 5

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"Hi" she whispered as she looked up at him, smiling slightly. She got up slowly and rubbed her head. He passed her a glass of water and a tablet and she muttered a thanks.

"Oh, that's where my shirt went" he muttered as he notices that she was wearing the missing shirt.

"Oh yeah" she said. "One second" She gathered up her clothes from the previous night and looked at him. "Can I get changed in your bathroom?"

"You can get changed in here if you want, I'll leave the room" he offered but she shook her head.

"The bathrooms fine, thanks" she said and he pointed to the door up the hall. "Thanks"

He walked back to the kitchen and put four slices of bread into the toasted and got the butter and vegemite out. He heard someone walk softly into the room and he turned to face the girl. She smiled at him. Her hair was scraped back into a pony tail and she was wearing her dress from last night and her cardigan.

"Is toast ok?" he asked and she nodded.

"You got any vegemite?" she asked.

"Of course" he said and she chuckled.


After the pair had eaten she placed her plate by the sink and turned to the boy in front of her. She reached into her pocket and pulled something out before placing her shoes on.

"I better get going. But call me." She said, placing a slip of paper into his hand and leaving the apartment.

'Pretty girl' was finally named. Eleanor Mackenzie. Even her name was perfect... and she was finally pretty much his!

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