chapter 4

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Calum groaned and rolled over, his head was pounding and he couldn't remember quite what had happened last night after a few drinks with pretty girl. A soft snore was heard from next to him and he shot up. Her golden hair was spread across the pillow and he smiled and her small form. Neither of them was fully naked so nothing inappropriate had happened between the couple that night.

He reached for the phone next to him and checked the time. 2:45. that was pretty late, even for him. He had a missed call and 14 texts from his mother, 4 texts from Ashton and 7 texts from Luke. He replied to each of them to let his mum and friends know that he was still alive before checking his other notifications.

Pictures and videos of him from last night were littered all over the internet, twitter had blown up and half the fans were asking who the girl with him was. He looked to the side of him, the girl who at that that point was unknown to him snored softly and he closed down the app as of that point he wasn't able to respond. His manager was going to kill him. The other boys could also get into trouble for this. The band could get into trouble.

His head really hurt and his stomach grumbled. He rolled out of bed and tried not to awaken the sleeping beauty he opened the door and wondered into the kitchen where Michael stood, looking slightly confused. He soon snapped out of it when he saw calum and he chuckled.

"bro where's your shirt?' Michael asked. Calum looked down. He hadn't even realised he hadn't got one on.

'Oh, shit' he muttered. 'What the hell happened last night?' he asked rubbing his head 'I've got the biggest headache'.

'Yeah I want aspirin, my head is killing me'. Michael said grabbing the packet from the cupboard whilst calum filled two glasses with water. 'Who was that girl from last night anyway?"

'I don't know her name yet, but I want to.' He muttered, looking down at his feet. Michael chuckled and walked off to his room. Calum head to his own room across from the other boys, the girl's eye lids fluttered open.

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