chapter 3

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Calum smoothed out his black shirt and fixed his hair in the mirror before joining Michael as they walked to Ashton's house. The music could be heard blasting from the middle of the street, lucky the neighbours were pretty laid back.

Michael drifted through the crowd and soon Calum had lost sight of him completely. He spotted 'pretty girl' lent against the wall with a cup in hand. She what talking to another girl and laughing. She looked so beautiful when she was laughing.

He looked through the crowd and spotted Luke standing awkwardly on his own. He glanced at the girl once more before fighting his way over to Luke. Luke had already seen him and held a cup out as Calum approached him.

"Thanks" Calum said as he took the cup, Luke nodded.

"Have you seen her yet?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, she's over there" Calum muttered, jerking his head towards the girl.

"Ah, drink up and go talk to her." Luke said and Calum drunk quickly.

He placed the cup down and wondered over to where she now stood alone. He cautiously tapped her shoulder and she slowly turned around. She shot him a grin and chuckled.

"Damn, you look amazing" he muttered and she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear before looking up at him.

"Well hello there Mr Hood" she giggled.

"You alone?" he asked.

"No. my friend is just over there dancing with some guy" she pointed to a brunette who was dancing with a guy who had green hair.

"Ah, that would be Michael" he said, chuckling at his drunk looking friend.

"What are you waiting for? Dance with me" she said pulling him out.

"Really?" he moaned... he didn't particularly want to embarrass himself in front of the girl just yet.

"Alcohol first?" she asked and he nodded greatfully.

"That would be the better option" he said before following her over to the drinks.

"Oh, this could be the start of a beautiful friendship." She chuckled.

That stabbed him sharply. 'Friend'. Was that the only way she would ever see him? Well he'd just have to change her mind. Well he would as soon as she gave him her name and her number, but something told him that she wouldn't give up that information easily. He took a sip of his drink... how was he going to impress the blonde beauty?

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