A dream laced with blood.

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I won't take too long with this authors note, my dearest readers. This fan fiction was inspired by a Creepypasta X Reader called 'Paranoia'. It's a great series, guys, you should read it! Any-who. Let's get started!



White room, White light, White mask, White everything.


She strained her blurry eyes to focus on the figure above her, their incoherent ramblings of no meaning to her.

"You're awake..."

They chuckled. Suddenly, their words were of great importance to the female slowly regaining consciousness on the hard surface.

She hadn't even noticed she fell asleep...

Her first instinct was to sit up. She didn't know where she was, and it frightened her. She didn't feel safe.

"Ah,ah,ah. I'll have none of that, lay back down."

The room swayed as she shook her head, the small slip of vision she had regained, gone. Fleeting like a leaf in the wind. They made her lay back down.

As her bloodied ears finally began to compose themselves, her mind could finally register the voice of which was echoing in the depths of her head as male.

"You've been out for some time now..."

He trailed off. Immediately, the fear and nervousness in her heart skyrocketed. His voice, it was spoken so softly, yet so cold. The tone alone mocked her with a false sense of security she only hoped she could trust.

As if he could sense the fear in the girl, she watched with slowly focusing vision as his white, surgical mask crinkled with his cheeks; a smirk partially hidden beneath the pristine cover.

The yellow eyes seemed to glow against the bright white of everything else in the room. They glowed brighter still under the shade of a speckled, white hat.

She couldn't look away.

Those eyes held a hypnotic lock on her own that she could not break.

A numbness crawled up from her toes, slowly devouring every shred of nerves or feeling she had. However, the numbness did not manifest quick enough for her to be oblivious to the slicing pain in her neck.

She coughed.

Then gurgled.

"It's ok,"

The man with the fluffy hat whispered.

"You're safe here..."


Red room, Red light, Red blood, Red everything.



She awoke with a start, sweat dripping off of her tanned cheeks like rain from a cloud.

Gulping down the saliva clogging her throat, she gasped for air. A hand was flung out from her side as it automatically searched for a familiar, plastic contraption.

When the cold of the plastic inhaler was found, she clasped onto it as if it was the last stable object on the planet, and raised it to her mouth.

Her index finger rested upon the container of which would grant her oxygen at the top, thumb pressing into the groove at the bottom.

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