2. Adorn

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We got to my house, with my vision blurry, I made it to the sofa. My back hit it hard, as she straddled me.

She began to feel all up on me, kissing on me, and pulling off our clothes. I placed my hands on her ass as she played with her pierced, brown nipples.

I sat up a little, and placed my mouth on her right breast. Sucking like I was a newborn getting breastfed and hearing her moans. She quickly pulled off my boxers and her thong.

"You got a condom?" She whispered in my ear.

I chuckled. Shaking my head.

She didn't seem to care, by the way she eased down on my dick.


I woke up the next day on the floor of my living room with a pounding headache. I sat up, realizing I was naked.

I turned my head and seen Omariana on my sofa, sleep, butt ass naked also. I knew what we did last night.

I slipped on my boxers and shook Omariana.

She groaned and rotated her shoulder, letting me know she didn't wanna be bothered.

I don't care if she don't wanna be bothered. She need to get out my house, before my girlfriend come home.

"Omariana, get the fuck up!" I halfway yelled.

Her head popped up. "What, Tremaine?"

"You need to go.." I said, tossing her the clothes she had on last night.


"My old lady might be coming home, you need to go before something pops off if she do."

"No. I wanna see your old lady." She said, mocking my tone.

I sighed. "Omariana, I'm not playing with yo ass. Get dressed so I can drop you off home."

She rolled her eyes, and slipped on her dress.

"Where the bathroom?" I showed her to the hallway bathroom, while I quickly went into mines to brush my teeth.


After I got into the bathroom, I checked my phone and seen a text from somebody I didn't want texting me.

I groaned and paced around the bathroom, I needed some money. The money I make already is barely enough.

After I splashed water on my face, I quietly snuck out the bathroom, and headed back into the living room, searching for his pants.

I found them under the table, I patted them in search for his wallet.

I felt a thick spot. Bingo.

Grabbing it out his back pocket, quickly opening it, and grabbing the last dollars he had in his wallet. I hope this is enough..


"You know you need to take a break, right?" My bestfriend, Melanie said.

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