where is she?

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“Serena come here” Leon said as he beckoned me forward with his hand, we were at a light house which was on a big rocky cliff  and it was pretty close to the boardwalk but far enough for no one to know I’m here. I walked up to Leon, who was leaning against the fence that was there to prevent people falling off, he held out his hand, as I grabbed it he pulled me close to his chest so I could feel his breath down my back.

“I’ve never felt like this before, when I’m around you I feel like I’m invincible, like no one can stand in my way.” He said as he tilted my chin up with his hand.

“I feel the same” I said, even though we were both drunk I know we both meant it.

His lips touched mine and I finely got my first kiss, his lips were sweet and I never wanted to pull away from him.

George POV

            “Shouldn’t she be home by now” I asked Kurt as I looked up at the clock it was midnight and Serena still wasn’t home. Kurt and I decided that we should wait until she got home so we could ask her if she got the job, but something was telling me she wasn’t at an interview and that she might be with that boy from last night, that would explain why Kurt for the past two hours has had a grumpy face on and hasn’t talked. We had been sitting on the couch basically all night and we didn’t even talk half of the time, I don’t really know how the time went by so quickly.

“Are you two still up?” Gina (Kurt’s mum) said as she walked in the front door she had been at the social event of the season or so she thinks.

“We’re waiting for Serena to come home” I said as I looked at Kurt who still had that angry expression on his face.

“Oh where is she” Gina said as she walked over to the coat rack and put her cardigan on it.

“She’s going for a job at the music shop” I said, I decided not to tell her my thoughts on the subject.

“Oh really okay well I’m off to bed” she said as she kissed Kurt and I on the head “Good night darlings” she disappeared up the stairs.

“Where is she? She should have been home hours ago” Kurt said furiously as he got up to his feet from the couch.

“Don’t worry Kurt she’ll be home soon” I said looking up at him, he started to pace the floor.

“Will she, what if she is with Leon? She won’t be home until the morning I assure you” he said as he sat back down. So that’s his name Leon.

“If she is Kurt, she won’t do anything bad I promise, she wouldn’t I know her she’s my sister” I said, she would never do anything bad she’s always been good, I know she dresses like she would be a trouble maker but she isn’t.

“Do you really think that?”

“Yes I do”

“Well I don’t, Leon can be very hypnotising”

“Trust me she can take care of herself”

“Well I hope so, or she could be in big and deep trouble”

“What do you mean?”

“He’s just not a person you want to get involved with trust me, well I think it’s time we went to bed” he said as he got up and walked up the stairs.

Kurt POV

That stupid girl, why? Why? She promised me, I told myself as I lay in bed awake, how was I supposed to sleep if I didn’t know if she was going to come home?

I thought because she was here me and her could become more then friends but I guess that’s out of the question since she rather be with that billy idol wanna be, doesn’t she realise I love her. I love her more than life itself, since I was little I have always known my feelings for her and when I moved away from her my heart broke all because I thought I was never going to see her again.

Doris POV

            I walked down to the kitchen it was just past two in the morning and I couldn’t get back to sleep, because I felt so bad for saying no to the owners offer of taking me out for dinner, but I hadn’t had a choice because It was my second day in Santa Carla and I needed to get use to everything before I date anyone but maybe it wasn’t that maybe it was because nick died two years ago and I still wasn’t over it, maybe the only way to get over it is to go out with someone else? So tomorrow I shall call him up and ask him if he wants to go to dinner with me.

Serena POV

            The motor bike ride was much better than my first encounter, it was probably because Leon was driving and when I’m around him I feel so safe.

            “Do you want me to take you home, or do u want to stay with me tonight?” he said as he drove through the forest. I didn’t know what to say or do, my choice was so hard. What was I going to do, that sentence ran through my head over and over again.

“What do you want to do?” Leon said as he stopped the bike in the forest and turned around to face me.

            “I don’t know” I said looking in his blue eyes they seemed to glow in the moonlight.       

            “Well, it would be nice if you stayed with me” he said holding my hand. “But it is your decision”

            “I’ll stay with you” I said smiling at him.


            “Really” I said as he kissed me tenderly.

            “I think I’m in love” he said as he pulled away.

            “I think I am as well” I said as he pulled my face close to his and kissed me softly on the lips and then started up the bike again and we zoomed out of the forest. 


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