Chapter 19.

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I knew exactly what I was looking at as soon as that girl rounded the corner. Tease had her exquisite fingers in my hair, just a little massage and fix up partway through the show, but there she was. Denton had her almost roughly by the arm, but he looked like the scared rabbit and she just looked lost.

"Louis' had to wee," I said as loudly as I could to get their attention, and sure enough she looked over at me. I love Louis so much. Sometimes it just hurts me to see him making these messes. Because good lord, she was a mess maker, you could see it in her eyes.

"To what?" she replied to me, probably not used to hearing the word. I guess American's said pee, or piss. I never liked that one.

"To wee. He's in the toilet right now." I was just biding time, getting them to stop and slow down. I need to assess this situation. Denton stopped then, because he can't take her there now. Can he?

"How do you know who I am looking for?" she asked. She was clearly unaware of I was. My god...her appeal is sudden, and practically unmanageable. Louis is in trouble. Denton actually grunted a guffaw so loud as to be rude.

She turned back to him, "What? What? Am I missing something something? I am not used to crazy SUV rides at top speed and being smuggled backstage. I told you this was a bad idea," and she dropped her gaze from Denton. Tease stepped up.

"Hello. I'm Lou. And you are?"

"You're Lou? Not the one I'm looking for," she said. Again. Clueless charm. I stuck out my hand, Lou's hands still twirling in my hair, that the fans continue to remind me is getting too long. I'll have to have Lou give me a trim soon.  She took it with a strong shake that surprised me.

"I'm Harry...and I need to go. We're sort of performing at this very moment. Why don't you go on with Lou and Denton and have a snack? Delicious lemon and poppy seed cupcakes are over there with Sarah."  I gave Denton a punch of a look that I hoped would turn him round back to the kitchen.

Tease grabbed the redhead's hand and arms and spun her around and away from Denton, walking fast. "And who might you be? May I say your hair color is amazing! Is it you ever braid it?" and she whisked her right away.

"Denton, really?" I said to him. "Why would you do that?"

"He's a wreck, Harry. He insisted." I knew that was true. Louis had been intensely distracted all day, and had to be hand-held throughout the evening.

"You've talked to your people about this, have you? Are you sure of what you're up to?" He looked down and the floor and I could see he'd gone rogue on this one. But we are in the middle of a performance, and I am not going let anyone fuck that up. My responsibility right now is the fans, not Louis' messes and Denton's indiscretions. "Right. Well, save it until after at least, thanks." And with that I ran towards the stage, barely making it to the first note of the music.

Louis' first note was perfect "Lights go down and," but my god by the time he'd hit "night is calling to me" I could tell he was crying onstage. Shit. I've a lot of background vocal on this song, so I take the mic off the stand, and Niall starts off, and Louis spins and heads towards the back and the water bins. I head towards him, but veer around him and catch his attention from the darkness. His tears are small perhaps for anyone else, but dripping reluctantly out of Tommo's normally mischievous blue eyes, they are larger than life.

There is unbelievable noise and screaming, but we're able to talk anyway. We've developed a bit of a insider language over the years. I blink at him, mouth "alright then?" careful to stay far away and he peers through a bit of tears and makes some hand gestures to let me know he's just listening to the words too much tonight. The fans see something different though, and I know even this is too much. The internet will soon be screaming about us being in love, but right now I am only concerned for my friend and I want to be able to show it. I am frustrated.

Zayn is singing but he sees us, and I toss him some water as he's done, a soft hand off. He gets Louis back on track with a quick hug around the waist and several familiar funny faces that we all know mean "Stop your drama and get back on track." I watch Louis struggle for the rest of the show, but his professionalism and love for the fans get him through. But I can't help but notice a few harrowing moments on Louis' face that completely unhinge me.

I'll have Denton's ass for this.

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