A Tornado

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-DaSom's POV-
I went to BaRo's apartment around lunch, to get my phone. I was off work today, I felt like I needed a break from it. To much writing.

*knock knock*
"Who is it?~" He said on the other side of the wall. "It's me DaSom, I came for my phone" I said. "Who is it sweetie? Lets go back to bed~" I heard pouting from the other side off the door.

I know your a player, but more than one at the same time? Thats tiring! So he is a hardcore cheater. "Ah, its nobody sweetie~ go back to bed, I'll meet you there! It's just the landlady, I'm late on rent!" I heard. "Huh, I'm a landlady now?" I asked, arms crossed, as he opens the door. "Sorry! She is a nobody-" He started to pout as I cut him off, "like me?" I ask. I know this is out of my act, I'm supposed to be the cute ish type. But hey, I am his girlfriend!

"Ani. I just want everyone to be happy!" He said, he surely had no idea what he was saying. "By cheating?" I ask. "Ani! She came to me! By force!" He said denying the fact he cheated. "And ended up in your apartment? How does this work?" I proved him wrong.

"I have no Idea" he said with a straight face shaking his head. "Hyunny~ your taking long~" a girl came out and started holding his arm, she was wearing the same shirt he made me wear. Half naked. I look at her then him, "you even let her call you 'Hyunny'?" I said, saying 'hyunny' how she did. "Landlady... Give him one extra day to pay rent. He is busy. Please?" She asked me, doing aegyo. "I'm sorry miss. But unfortunately I'm not his landlady, but his girlfriend" I said making her mad. "Hyunny, is she saying the truth?" She asks, letting go of him.

"Ah... Let me think" he said. "Well I think I'll leave" I said, glaring my eyes at him. "Wait! She is right!" He pointed at me, pulled the girl out of his apartment, locked it, left her, and ran to me. "Im so sorry! Forgive me!" He begged.

"If your playing games with me, I'm not playing" I said. "Nonono! I was playing games with her!" He said pointing at her as she said "what?!". "What game are you playing? Cuz, if your playing hide and seek. I found you" I said pressing the elevator button to go down.

"Ah, and by the way. Have fun going home alone wearing that. I had the same experience" I said walking into the left elevator as it opened, and pressed lobby. "Why are girls so complicated?!" He muttered to himself. "Complicated? Your the one who can't understand us. We are the problem. Your supposed to answer it. If you can't? Go off and find a new one you can, don't waste your time" I said, giving advice.

He was left speechless, I walked out into the lobby, out the door. I needed to pretend I still love him. So I either should get into a fight or cry. What to do? This is so exciting!

I walked to the park, and he followed. I sat down on a bench, I started a fight then. "Who was she? I'm sure she isn't another game of yours, is she?" I ask, straight forwardly. "Of course not! She-" he was going to do some explaining till someone stopped my fun. "DaSom?" I turn to see the owner of that voice. I was shocked. My heart stopped beating. I wasn't moving. I just stared at him blankly.

*who he is explanation*
High School. He was my boyfriend. He, he was my everything. The everything I lost.

After we broke up, I stopped loving and became a player.

I still wore loads of make up during High School, I confessed my love to him. Then we started dating. He wasn't who I expected he would be.

*now the flashback*
We were going on a date! With his friends!

I was walking with him, then we went down a dark alley into a door. When we walked in, it smelled horrible. Not trash scent, but people smoking everywhere.

Then I sat next to him in a circle, they started passing.. Passing pot. I refused to try it. I know its bad.

"Come on- it wont hurt you!" He said laughing at me. "Fine, if you don't want this, you want to do what they are doing?" He said pointing to people at a table, sniffing.

"Yah.. Zico, lets go?" I asked. "Ani! This is my life! Do you not like my friends?" He asked. "What if I say no?" I asked, he stood up and slapped me. I ran to the door, but it was locked.

They ganged up on me. And-

*end of flashback, back to reality*
I was shaking in fear. "I won't hurt you. If its about the past I'm sorry!" He said. "You can forget about it!" He said, at that moment, I really wanted to slap him. I was scared, so I didn't. "I'm going to go. We will talk about this some other time" I said, trying my best not to make my voice shaky.

-BaRo's POV-
She barely talked. Our mood wasn't so good, it was loud, till he said her name.

When she said we would talk another time, her voice was shaking. So was her.

Who is this guy? "Who are you?" I ask him. "Same for you" He answers. "DaSom's boyfriend, you?" I ask. "Ex" ahh.. Is she really that scared of him? He is just an ex.

Unless he did something to her. "She is a good girl, literally. I bet she never smoked, done drugs, she stays away from that stuff" he said, he sound like he knows her well. "Really? Interesting. When were you two together?" It reminded me of a few days ago. When we started dating. She was crying about her ex.

"Did'ja cheat?" I ask. "Ani.. It was different than affairs, we dated back in high school" he said. What was it? If he didn't cheat. She wasn't talking about him.

To me, she was so scared when she saw him. When she cried, it doesn't match his answers. Another boyfriend?


-DaSom's POV-
*flash back*
*beep beep beep*
"She's back! She died for a bit! I'm so happy!" Some one said as I opened my eyes. "W-What happened?" I asked. "You were found inside a abandoned room, you were laying there all alone. You lost lots of blood. You almost died" the lady said stroking my hair.

I started hugging myself as if I was cold, I had the shivers. Of fear.

I never though I would see him again. Why did he have to appear in my life again? I was happy!

I started to run home, I cried remembering the past.

Tried to Walk -Completed-Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora