Meeting them

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-Now for the story!! Finally! SanDuel's POV-
I was just walking, looking at girls. Figuring who I should date next.

Ah~ how about her? A perfect body! Slim, booty, boobs.. I like her!

I walk up to her, "hello, I believe you dropped this" I said looking at her, kneeling, looking at a below angle, trying to see under the skinny skirt, handing her a Hershey Kiss, which was apart of my plan.

She looked at me, screamed, and ram away. I followed her because, she might've saw a bug around me or something.

She stopped, huffing and puffing. "Wae? Why are you following me?!" She yelled at me. All I wanted was a date! Not a work out! "You Kiss... Chocolate.." I said. She stared at me as if I was crazy, "your not going to rape me? You just wanted to give me a Kiss?" She said. I would like to kiss you if thats what you mean, "Aniyo! And yes, unless you wanted me to" I muttered the last part.

"YES OR NO!" She said. "Yes for the no. Wait no! Umm, no I will not rape you. And yes I wanted to give you a kids. I MEAN KISS!" I said. I took a step closer, for a better look. "STAY AWAY FROM ME!" She yelled at me, she started calling someone, hopefully not the police, CUZ I AINT DP A THING!

A few girls walked up to me and one slapped me. There are two others with her, why don't they slap me to? Not like I want them to.. "Did you touch her you ass hole?!" The girl said to me. "Who are you?" I ask. "We are your worst nightmare, I'll warn you now: don't touch her" She said again.

At least it isn't the police. I looked at her, the girl scared to death. "At least tell me your name" I said. "HyoRin.. Happy?" She said, I smirked and left.

HyoRin, hu? Such a cute name, for such a hot girl. Sad thing, she got problems. Plan 1: make her feel safe around just me.

-Bora's POV, after meeting up with all of them-
I walked home alone. They had their own separate business. It's quiet. I heard ringing from, who knows. And yelling, but I couldn't understand it. I turn around to see what this mysterious ringing is, I saw a light and fell. Damaging my head a bit. I open my head, my system is telling me to heal later on. A guy sitting beside me, with a bike on the ground. He massages his head and curse.

"Are you okay? You seem hurt" I said. I give him a tissue and a bandage. "Thank you, I told you to move! Are you okay?!" The man said to me. "I'm fine, thanks for the warning" I said. "Which you didn't listen to" he muttered, which I could hear perfectly. "I'm sorry, I could not understand you" I said. "Ah- okay" he said standing up wiping off extra dirt on him, gives me a hand. I take it and stand, "thank you".

"What's your name? So I can pay for your hospital fee's" he said. "Bora. Yoon Bo Ra. No need, I'm not terribly injured. I recommend you go the the hospital for a check up. Also the temperature is slowly getting colder, I also recommend you wear more clothes, and stay warm" I recommend him a few tips. But he laughed, "thanks! Well I'm Jun Jin Young. For short, JinYoung. Nice to meet you, but I have to hurry!" He said, jumping onto his bike and riding away. His brakes are broken.

-JinYoung's POV-
Weird girl.

"BoRa" I say to myself smiling. "Nice to meet chu"


-Soyu's POV-
I raced back to Elegant, on my wheel chair. To finish my photo shoot which I was a bit late to. I ended up in the hospital, afterwards. My heart rate was to high.

I was supposed to stay an extra week at the hospital, so they could check if what happened caused anything else in my body to change.

-Next Day-
I rolled out my room so I could get a smoothie downstairs. On the way I saw someone crying, well people do die in the hospital. "You okay?" I ask. He looks up to me, red eyes, frown, dark aura. "Yeah..." He barely was able to say. "What happened?" Its not like there is anything else to do in an hospital, but get into others business. "My grandmother.. She.." He was about to go on, I bet his grandmother died. "I'm so sorry for your loss" I said patting his back. "Loss? She succeeded Cancer" he said, WHAT?! Geezz making me confused. "Oh, yay! God for you!" I said awkwardly.

"What happen to you? You look to young to be on a wheel chair" he said, I bet he assumed elderly sat on wheelchair's. "Lets just say, walking is tiresome" I said. "So you're lazy?" He said. "Ani! I'm weak" I hate to admit it. "Ah- I'm sorry" he said. "Whats your name? I'm lonely in the hospital, even though you wont be coming here often, since she survived surgery. I want a friend" I said. It was just to boring at the hospital. My friends are to busy to visit me.

"GongChan. Gong Chan Shik" he said confidently. "Ah- mine is Kang Ji Hyun. Call me Soyu" I said smiling, putting my hand out for a hand shake. I waited for awhile, "don't leave me hanging! It's tiring!" I said sarcastically. "Ah! Sorry! Nice to meet you!" He said, barley bowing. "Same!" I said bowing a bit to.

Stop confusing people, if she is alive: smile, don't cry! "Well Im going to go! Have a nice day!" I said, leaving to the elevator. Who needs smoothies, I'll just get Starbucks and order a White Chocolate Mocha with Carmel drizzle!

-GongChan's POV-

-DaSom's POV-
I went to one of me 'friends' to match me up on a date. I was to lazy to find one myself.

Me and 'BaRo' is meeting at a hotel, we are NOT staying there together. I wait there wearing a fancy dress (since the hotel is expensive) and wait for about 6 minutes till I take out my phone. All the men around me takes theirs out to, looking at the phone and me.

Men, you have no hope in dating me. If you hope I'm your blind date, It won't happen. Seems like I still have my touch. I call my blind date, as a guy with blonde hair and a suit walks in with his phone ringing in his inside pocket. The other men look sad, he was the one I called. A good looking one. Well he kind of has a childish face, but oh well. Good enough.

"Sorry I'm late. Are you Kim Da Som?" He said to me. I looked at my watch, "an hour to be exact. Yes I'm Kim Da Som. Just call me DaSom please" I said. He smiled, "shall we?" He said as he put his arm out, for me to put mine in. I do, "yes, to where?" I ask. "Secret" he said walking towards a direction, to a unknown mini food stand.

It's a Japanese one, with 'Taoyaki'. He ordered 2 bags. And we walked to an open space. He sat on a bench there, and started eating, leaving me behind. "This is my first time doing this" he said laughing, a nervous laugh.

The some moon light shines on the bench, hearts carved everywhere. Like:
BaRo + Sunyee = forever! Saranghae!

And more lovey dovey stuff. "Your name is BaRo right?" I ask. "Yup!" He said, taking another bite.

Check point one. He takes all his girlfriends here. Does the same thing with them all. Then breaks up with them after a week or so.

A player knows a player when see's one.

"Nice view! It's so refreshing!" He said, looking at the city lights. I'll be honest, he is a good player. I like this spot.

I pretend to break down, about and boyfriend. "Ah! You okay?" He asks, he wants to touch me, but he doesn't know what to do, his hands remain up in front of me. "Whats wrong" He asks, I make a long sniff* and a big gulp. "He.. He.. He cheated on me. I.. I don't know why I broke up with him! I still love him! Was it for the best!" A few fake tears fall. "Ah, sorry. I just remembered something" I said looking at the green grass.

"Its okay. And your not thinking of something, but someone" he said. How the hell does that help? Ugh, guys.

"She.. She was prettier than me, she had more curves. She was 100% his type" I said as I pretend to cry even more. "Aniyo. You are probably the most beautiful girl I've ever seen! Also, your curves are perfect! Any guy would fall for you!" He said. Okay he is on a good track. And is there a guy prettier than me or something? "But I don't want any guy to fall for me, I want him!" I said. "Why did you go find another date? If you love him?" He asks. "Revenge?" I question.

"Ah good idea" he said nodding. How is Revenge a good thing? Anyway, good track, making the girl feel comfortable. I'm just curious about how good of a player he is now.

I make my stomach growl. "Ah, here! Have a bite" he said offering me fresh Taoyaki. I take a bite.

I felt dizzy. "What's in here?" I asked. "Squid!" He said. "I'm allergic to Squid..." I say then black out.

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