06- Lock Down

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Chresanto pulled me off of Sabrina as I tried to kick her face. I can't believe I let her get the best of me. She wanted a reaction and now she got it.

"Chill ma,cool off.You got it ok?" Chresanto said as he tried to calm me down.

All of the sudden guards ran into the cell and a loud alarm went off throughout the prison. I'm guessing our altercation caused this. I dropped to the floor and allowed the guards to handcuff me and roughly pick me up,they did the same to Sabrina. As they walked us to Isolation I began to think. Do I regret hitting the bitch? Nah,she crossed a line. Do I regret taking it too far? Yeah,I'm the reason why I got the whole jail on lock down.

"Since you two can't act civil in public,you'll share a cell together" One of the female guards said as we stripped in front of her.

"The whole purpose of isolation is to be isolated....there's no reason as to why I gotta share with my fellow inmate" Sabrina stated as she stepped into the cell.

"Inmate Johnson I didn't ask for you to speak,you can thank me later for extending your time here in isolation" The officer replied.

"Fuck you bitch" she spat

"Can you please shut the fuck up damn. Just accept your punishment and keep trucking" I said adding my two cents as the officer locked us in the cell.

Here we go again...

"Look bitch,just cause we sharing this space don't mean Ima be ya friend" Sabrina said as she sat in an opposite corner from me.

"I didn't ask you to.Matter of fact every since I stepped foot into this bitch you had an attitude.I barely looked at you before you started beefing with me but whatever." I replied in a bored tone,picking my nails,a nasty habit I have.

"Well welcome to the real world sweetie. Be thankful I'm not one of those monsters inside this hellhole.Not everyone in here is gonna be nice to you. Bitches and Niggas in here is ruthless as fuck. Don't nobody in here wanna be mean but we have to. It's not all peachy as it is outside,these motherfuckers will lie in your face and jack you as family. But they'll be the same ones holding a shank to ya neck and fucking you" Sabrina responded in a dark tone.

I nodded my head,taking it all in.Now that I look at it,she's a hundred percent right. I mean this is jail,a place filled with people out for blood. Not wanting to continue the conversation I began to think of J.J. I really did miss my baby. His smile and his innocent laugh. I just hope whoever has my son is raising him into a man,not a bastard like Jacob. I want my son to be a better person than Jacob and I,that way he won't have horrible regrets like we did.

"Aye,you just made ya first mistake. Never let the enemy see you cry. They'll see you as weak and easy to target" Sabrina said suddenly,making realize that I was crying.

Maybe she isn't that bad after all...

**Sorry for the short chapter guys. Just thought I'll give Yall a filler, I promise the next one will be twice as long. But leave some comments and votes Yall **

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2015 ⏰

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