Lunatics · Chap 027 · Fiasco

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27 · Fiasco

MARCUS HAD managed to get an Aster to take them downtown to interrogate the employees at the Turkish restaurant. It was fruitless. Nobody admitted to know the two young men in the photographs and no delivery data were liberated without a warrant.

Monteiro, Marcus and Baraldi were at the Manilla Café near the FID central offices trying to drink their sorrows off—they all shared the sinking feeling they would be better off handling their personal chores. Marcus answered his communicator. It was nine to nine in the morning of the third day of March, 2218, and Trali was calling.

“Where’s everybody?”

“Good morning to you too, Trali. We’re at the Manilla. Get down and join us.”

“Where have you been?”

Marcus ignored his question and cut the call. They had been to The Maiden too, but the security did not allow them to check for fingerprints. Their investigation was short on warrants. The owners of the bar must have had powerful friends; Baraldi’s request to the tribunal had been solemnly denied.

Marcus was reading a popular newspaper he had picked from the counter. There were news on many crime scenes, sports, considerations on financial indexes, weather forecast predicting heavy storms; nothing on the colonization of Mars. Nothing on Aznar Reutt’s visit and the weapons deal. Not even a line about the accident at The Maiden.

There was an impressive double page tribute to Elisangela Mussume, illustrated with many pictures of the actress who had been the talk of town for many decades. The burial would take place in the Pampas. His curiosity took him to the horoscope section—he had never had interest about it before the previous night when he accidentally read the predictions for his sign at the Sibilla.

The one in the paper he was reading was almost hilarious: “Alignment of the planets, under the influence of the constellation of Libra, makes this the perfect day to catch up on personal projects. Ponder before doing anything or taking any important decision. Show your true self and get the respect of others; true friendship and comradery will follow. Today’s colour: red. Number: 3. Keyword: the search.”

Marcus took the rest of his cappuccino and Trali entered the Café.

“A party of your own? And you planned to let me out?”

Nobody answered him and he did not care. He took a seat and slapped the top of the table.


Baraldi pulled a dish with half a sandwich. He took it and bit it with a smile. He finished it with three more bites. Baraldi’s new communicator buzzed and he received the call. One of the beautiful girls from the commsec was shown with a serious expression.


“Francisco Manoel Francisco has just used his IDCard!”


Everyone was excited.

“The post office at Suzano Airport.”

Marcus’ heart seemed to explode. He verified the time. It was sixteen after nine.

“We’re on it!”

“A 19 team will be sent as backup.”

Baraldi cut the call and picked some blue pills from one of his pockets. He handed one to each of his colleagues.

“Something to keep you up!”

They took the pills, paid the bill and left the Café. Their transporter was parked nearby. Walking up to the Aster, Marcus felt the fatigue vanish. He did not know whether for his personal concerns or for the drug he had taken.

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