The worst time

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He realized it was Angel. She had become hungry and couldn't sustain on just metal, so she had chosen to eat the dead corpses but had gotten addicted and had wanted more so she ate Kerry. He then noticed that her eyes were blood red from having a blood rush from killing Kerry. He started back peddling not wanting to fight her when she started moving toward him slowly. He started moving his hands trying to backpedal but he wasn't moving and he realized it senses he would of fallen down by then and she was moving and was 5 inches away. He could smell her breath which smelled of blood, metal, rotten flesh, and alcohol. Morris started wondering how she'd gotten alcohol when he saw a flash of white and realized it was Wilkes, he had somehow actually gotten a describable color.

He was frozen as he watched Wilkes and Angel fight. In the end, Wilkes walked away victories with mostly minor wounds but he did have what seemed like a crippled left front leg.

Morris crawled over to Wilkes as fast as he could after he had unfrozen from the horror of almost being Angel's next meal. When he got close to Wilkes he saw that his leg was already healing itself. He still carefully picked Wilkes up so he wouldn't have to walk on his leg. It took him half an hour to find his way out since he had actually taken turns while chasing Angel that he hadn't even noticed he had. When he finally made it out him and Wilkes were breathing hard and could barely even make it to the couch. they fainted and the next thing Morris knew he heard a soft whimper that awoke him and when he opened his eyes he saw Wilkes behind him and the Commander holding a rifle aimed right at Wilkes's head. Morris then yelled, "What the fuck are you doing aiming at Wilkes Dumb ass drop that weapon or I'll shoot you!". The Commander dropped the rifle and looked at Morris dumbfounded and said "Morris what happened to you? You used to be the kindest person in your squad... Did something happen to Kerry?" Morris fell down to his knees and fainted.

 When he awoke the Commander seemed to be talking to him. Commander "Is Morris OK? I saw the body of Kerry what happened to her?" Morris tried talking but all that came out was a gurgle that sounded more like a moan and he was out again. When Morris woke up again he heard snores and he opened his eyes and saw the Commander and Wilkes sleeping next to each other on the couch. He started wondering how long he'd been out and how much the Commander knew. He then noticed that the door to Kerry's room was open and the whole room was covered in white plastic. He tried to get up and just fell right back down the first two tries his second try he got up and took three stumbling steps he tripped and put his hand to catch himself when he felt something grab him from behind and stabilize him. he looked back and saw The Commander holding onto him and holding a cane in the other hand. That was when Morris noticed that The Commander had aged a lot since the last time he'd seen him which was... He couldn't remember. He started going through his memories and couldn't remember when he last had seen him all he remembered was Kerry being killed and him carrying Wilkes out of the air vent and then fainting.

The Commander said "Damn Morris you scared us we thought you'd never wake up... it's been 3 years since your squad and Kerry was killed. We got the traitorous bastard who killed your squad and if you remember Wilkes there got Angel who had killed Kerry. I'm no longer The Commander also I was assigned to watch over you and inform you of all that happened while you were asleep. O I almost forgot the new Commander told me to give you this when you awoke!" He then handed Morris a medal of Honor. He then said "O ya I forgot only Kerry knew my name you didn't so I guess I should introduce myself my name is Jerry Mygar but you can just call me Jerry or Mr. Mygar I don't mind whichever one works for me"  Morris still staring at the medal of honor and only hear him say his name was Jerry Mygar and he could call him Jerry. Morris then looked up, took the Medal of Honor, and said "Thank you for giving me the Medal of Honor Jerry. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Jerry looked at Morris amazed that instead of asking why he'd received the medal he had asked what he could do in return for it. He then asked, "Don't you want to know why you received that medal, Morris?" Morris replied "Not really because it most likely will make me remember  a lot of things I don't want to remember right now...(sniffle)" Jerry then realized he should have realized that Morris was trying to be strong at a time he could be weak so he said "Morris it's OK you don't have to be strong and hold back your emotions everyone has days that they can't stay strong and just break down... And today is one of those days for you so calm down and sit and mourn the lost and if you need anything Wilkes and I are here to help!" Jerry then smiled at Morris which in reply Morris fell down on his knees and started crying. but through his crying Jerry heard Morris say "Thank you, Commander Jerry, you're a good man."

Morris cried all day and had finally fallen asleep about one in the morning. Jerry had stayed up all night to make sure that Morris was taken care of and when Morris had finally fallen asleep he had gotten up and walked out of the room down the hall to the old Command post and went to a bin that he had bought when he was ordered to take care of Morris and he pulled out of the bin a doll and started to cry.

Anyone still reading? I'd love to hear any feedback good or bad. I hope I didn't ruin the story with this one chapter if I did sorry I'll try and write it in the next if so :). Hope you're having a good day/night and having fun

The Last Creature From Hell (Book one of the Last one Series)Where stories live. Discover now