The Parents

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The next morning I awake alone and cold. I reach and feel Ryder's spot and notice it is still slightly warm, he hasn't been gone long. I listen and try to hear him with luck I hear him clanking pans around the aroma of bacon clearly present now. I smile and roll out of bed, I head to the shower and do my morning routine. I completely forget to bring my clothes to the shower. Silently praying Ryder isn't out there I throw the door open and run to the closet grabbing clothes and running out. After getting dressed I go downstairs and enter the kitchen starving. My stomach growls at the thought of eating. Ryder chuckles. "Come sit down and let's get some food into that monster before it eats you." I blush and cover my belly trying to stop the noises. "Oh and by the way when you run with a towel it blows it back and you sure do look delicious with water running off your body." He smirks and turns away. I slap my hands over my face in embarrassment cursing myself in my head. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

       "Today we are going to meet my parents.." He trails off turning to look search my face for any fear. I try to keep a poker face but fail and let the fear take over. What if they don't like me.I'm not like all the rest Ryder has been with. I don't deserve their son. Unbearable thoughts fly through my head and I try my best to not let them show. Ryder obviously sees my inner battle and grabs my face between his hands. "Baby you listen and you listen good. You are perfect and if anything I don't deserve you. Never think of yourself like that again or you will be in trouble. They will love you and you have absolutely no reason to worry. Understand?" His face shows hurt and sorrow for my thoughts I assume. "I'm sorry Ryder I'm just so nervous.

        "Don't be now eat while I go get ready." He leaves the kitchen and I can hear his steps as ascends the stairs. Okay just calm down they won't hate you. I play with my food and take a couple bites here and there forgetting about my rumbling belly it seems to have forgot it's hunger and instead of putting stuff down it wants to bring it back up. Feeling queasy I just push the plate away. Ryder enters and looks at the plate. I follow his gaze and then look down. Before I know it I am sitting in his lap. "I-what are you?" I couldn't finish the sentence because a fork full of food is pressed to my lips. "You need to eat and I will sit here and feed you if you refuse." I roll my eyes and finish the morning being force fed.

      We leave the house around 1 and head to his parents house. Pulling in I don't move and grip the seatbelt tighter to myself. When Ryder notices he sighs and gets out walking to my side, opening the door he tries to coax me out. All of his words are coming in one ear and out the other. I don't care what he says or does I don't listen. "Addison please just listen to me. I promise I won't leave your side and I'm here for you okay baby. They will love you and you shouldn't be worrying that pretty little mind. You are going to make yourself sick if you get anymore anxious. Just please baby get out of the car." Finally listening to his words I look into his pleading eyes and loosen my grip on the seatbelt and and see my palms bleeding. I must have stabbed through the seatbelt to my palms. I look at them and back up at Ryder. He sighs and unbuckles my seatbelt and lifts me out. He grabs my hands and kisses them as they heal up quickly.

He holds my hand as we continue our walk to the door. I feel sick but try to swallow it down. He knocks and the door flies open, there is a beautiful woman sitting at the door with a wide smile, clapping her hands. She throws herself at me and latches on. I awkwardly wind my arms around her and pat her back. "Okay mom she can't breathe let her go." It was very true she had me in a death grip and my eyes were starting to have black dots from the lose of breath. She releases me and grabs my shoulders. "Oh I'm so excited to see you. Ryder has been looking for you forever and to have you standing on my doorstep with him. I'm sorry I'm just so happy to finally have a daughter!!!"

"Oh it's fine. It's a pleasure to meet you Katherine!" Luckily I remember her name or I would have been so embarrassed. "Oh please you can call me mom now come in side I have lunch ready and Mike is waiting to see you." One parent down and one more to go. It's alright I can do this. She drags me to the dining room where the table is full of food and his dad is sitting at the head of the table waiting patiently with a tender smile. "I figured she would already squeezed the life out of you I haven't seen her this excited in awhile. Hello Addison I'm Mike." I chuckle and shake his hand before sitting beside Ryder. This just might not be so bad at all. I thought that then but now that I'm sitting in the middle of the woods with a tear stricken face and a burning heart I know that thought was so wrong and I was dumb to get my hopes up in thinking Ryder would be the one. He might me my mate but that didn't mean he loved me like he said he would..

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