Part Vlll

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Camptown lady                         

by sloanranger

Part  Vlll

 Tom turned, startled, but he recovered enough to smile.

"Hey, where'd you come from?"

"I took the Greyhound from New Jersey and walked from town." Kathy replied, literally.

"Uh, great. Can you sit down for a minute?  I only have one more to do and then we can go down to the canteen."

"Okay." She said, and went and sat down on a bail of hay. She lighted a Salem while Tom brought out Mabel. 

Tom looked over while he was scrubbing the third elephant.  I'll be damned, he thought, she really came; looked pretty good, too. Best thing about her, he thought was her breasts; but there was something more.  

Tom did not have the wit to describe it as such, but Kathy had a maternal sexiness about her. It was almost as if the deep hunger Kathy had within for her mother literally expressed itself out and through, to her looks.             

Kathy's best feature was actually her complexion and would remain so well into her seventies. 

Paying special attention to the elephant's forehead, ears and tusks, Tom finished up on Mabel. He took the chain from the stake and led her back to the pen.  Removing the chain from her leg brace he threw it over the fence with the others. 

"Come on," he took Kathy's arm, "let's get something to drink."

(To be continued).

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