TSP 15

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Walking to the tennis court after school, he noticed all his senpais eyes on him, he raised an eyebrow.

"Ne Chibi-tan." Eiji said putting a arm over his shoulder.

"What is it Eiji-senpai?" Ryoma said annoyingly, while swinging his arm back and forth with his tennis racket in his hand.

"Ne over the weekend we saw something interesting." Eiji senpai said.

"Hai hai something interesting." Momo said smirking.

"Well you see.." Eiji said smirking, he looked around to see all his senpais smirking at him even Tezuka.

"We saw a little chibi-tan going to Kanegawa and we saw him kissing a giant tsundere Sanada San." Eiji senpai said, Ryoma blushed.

"T-T-Thats probably Ryko we look alike Yea." Ryoma stuttered.

"Well you see Echizen we followed you from school all the way there." Momo said, everyone was nodding.

"Well its not like I'm the only one Kaido senpai and Inui senpai should confess already since I saw them kissing once you too Fuji senpai and Tezuka bouchou." Ryoma flat out said, Kaido blushed while Tezuka looked away.

"You knew?" Inui senpai asked, Ryoma nodded.

"Eiji and Oishi senpai should also stop hiding." Ryoma said smirking, Oishi blushed while Eiji was smiling.

"Ahh so I'm the only on huh?" Momo senpai said smirking while folding his arms.

"Not so fast Momo senpai, if I remember correctly I saw a certain Ore-sama and Momo senpai making out in an alleyway."

"That's not true Echizen. You baka!" Momo exclaimed.

"Are you sure of I remember someone moaning 'Keigo, Keigo stop' and another one 'Takeshi I missed you, let me do you'" Ryoma said smirking.

"Shut up." Momo exclaimed blushing.

"See you guys shouldn't be following me around or shopping because I know everything about you guys." He stated, his senpais nodded.

"Your one cunning kouhai Echizen." Fuji said.

"We all know that already." He said shrugging, his senpais all nodded.


He went into the club room to see all his teammates except Ryko crowding around his bag.

"Genichiro you have some huge explaining to do." Yanagi said glaring at him.

"What?" He asked, Yanagi held Genichiro's phone in his hand.

"What is this?" Yanagi asked pointing at his wallpaper which was a picture of him and Ryoma kissing.

"Yanagi! Don't go through my stuff." He exclaimed, snatching his phone from Yanagi.

"Well are you going to explain?" Yanagi asked, the other regulars raised their eyebrows.

"Fine, Ryoma-kun and I are dating, besides bouchou is dating Ryko." He said just as Ryko was about to sneak out the door.

"Sa-chan!" Ryko exclaimed blushing.

"They were going to find out later." Genichiro said, Ryko pouted.

"Bouchou and Ry-chibi." Akaya said as if he didn't believe what he just heard.

"If you don't believe me, I say captain is going to call in 3, 2.."

Ring ring

"H-Hello." Ryko stuttered as everyone stared at him.

"Put it on speaker Ryko." Yanagi said moving closer, Ryko put it on speaker.

"Baby?" They heard their captains voice say.

"Bouchou!" They exclaimed.

"Oh Mina, hi." Yukimura said "Now if you don't mind I want to talk to my boyfriend." His voice was deadly, everyone stepped back and Ryko took the chance and ran out.

"Well I should go too, Ryoma is spending the night with me since Ryko is going to be with Yuki again." Genichiro stated.

Before he left he looked at his teammates "You guys should get your own boyfriends too Akaya ask Yanagi already. " he said, he saw Akaya blush.

A week later


They all walked into the tennis garden, passing all other teams that were whispering and pointing at them.

They went to the registration place and saw Seigaku and Hyotei, they all stood across them every other team stopped talking.

"Tezuka, Atobe." Genichiro greeted.

"Genichiro." Atobe replied while flipping his hair.

"Genichiro how is Yukimura." Tezuka asked.

"He is doing well." Genichiro said.

"Sheesh what's with all the tension?" Ryko asked in English while walking towards his brother.

"Don't know Ry." Ryoma replied pulling his brother in a hug.

"What are they talking about?" Momo asked.

"They found out you and Sa-chan are dating" Ryko said giggling, Ryoma pulled his cap down to cover his red face.

"Shut up Ry, oh and Momo is dating Monkey-sama." Ryoma said pointing at Atobe.


"Ryko." Their captains called, they both sighed.

"See you later Ry."

"You too Ryo." They said before parting ways.

Genichiro pulled his phone out and texted Ryoma to meet him by the water fountains.

"Texting Ryo nii already?" Ryko teased his co-captain who glared at him.

"Joking joking." Ryko replied putting his hands up in a surrender manner.

"Buy him Ponta." Ryko told Genichiro who nodded his head.

After they registered, they all split up going their separate ways, their first game doesn't start until an hour.

Ryko decided to look around the place, he saw Ryoma and Genichiro making out by the trees.

"Wee ohh." He yelled, the two broke apart. They both glared at him he decided he had enough and walked away from them.

He was by the vending machine when he heard voices.

"Tachi, stop." He heard Yanagi senpais voice, he peeked and saw Yanagi senpai being pinned against the wall of the restroom by a blonde guy.

"Why Renji when you like it so much." He heard the tachibana guy say, he spat his water out.

He stared at his senapi who blushed before adjusting his glasses and fixing her uniform.

"Y-Y-Yanagi-Senpai!" He shouted.

"Shhh Ryko." Ryko covered his mouth, he looked to see the Tachibana guy smirking.

"Ryko Echizen meet Kippei Tachibana Fudomine High tennis captain." Yanagi introduced them.

"Echizen? Ryoma Echizen?" Tachibana said lookin at him.

"No but we are Twins." Ryko said, he kept staring at him.


"So what's your relationship with Yanagi senapi?" He asked slyly smirking.

"He's my boyf-"

"Family friend." Yangai senpai finished covering Tachibana-sans mouth.

"Huh huh sure Yanagi senpai." He said not believing him.

"Well better cover up those bite marks Yanagi sen-pai." He said teasing him before walking away from a blushing senpai and a smirking Fudomine captain.

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