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His first day at Seishun Gakuen was annoying, he was tired of this kid in his class boosting about his 2 years experience on tennis and how two guys listened on his lies.

He felt a bit sad for the two guys who were being lied to. And don't get him started on the upperclassmes who tried to rip them off and the regular of the team Momoshiro who likes to be called 'Momo-senpai, or Momo-chan'

Ryoma was exhausted by the end of the day, he went home and waited for his little twin to come back so they could eat together. After Ryko got back home they both told rachother how their day had been.

"Nii-san come on lets go to bed." His little twin told him, Ryoma turned the TV off and followed his twin to their room.

"Night Ryo."

"Night Ry."

The twins drifted off to deep sleep but Ryoma had the same dream again about the accident.


The next morning Ryoma got up and woke his little brother up, they showered got dressed and head down to the dining room to eat.

"Ryoma, how was Seigaku?" His father asked.

"All of them are so bipolar, opposites of eachother. Captain Tezuka who is scary and silent, Kaido-senpai who goes fssshh all day, Momo-senpai who likes to challenge Kaido-senpai, Kikumaru-senpai who likes acrobatics and cheery all the time, Fuji-senpai his eyes are always closed and when she smiles you get the shivers, Oishi-senpai the mother of the team, all worried and concerned about the team, probably the normal one, Kawamura-senpai shy and silent until he gets a hold of a racket he goes 'Bring it on babyy.'" Ryoma said sighing loudly.

"Haha.." Ryko laughed.

"How about you Ryko how was your first day?" His mother asked sitting down.

"I met this guy name Akashi he speaks english too, he's in all of my classes, and this other one with weird purple hair Yukimura-senpai he's on the tennis team." Ryko said, Ryoma looked at his brother, hoping his little brother would start playing Tennis again.

"Alright Bye boys, be safe." Their mother said waving at them.

"Bye kka-san." The twins waved running out the door with their bags.

"Bye Ry."

"Bye Ry."

Ryoma was on his way to school when he saw Momoshiro.

"Oi Echizen." His senpai called he thought if he ignored him, he might go away.

"Echizen!!" Momoshiro called again, he sped up and was almost running but Momoshiro was riding a bike and caught up to him fast.

"Mou! Echizen are yiu trying to run away from your senpai?" Momoshiro asked.

"Yes." Ryoma answered immediately.

"Mean." Momoshiro whined.

They got to school and they split, Momoshiro went to the 2 floor which was for the Juniors and Ryoma went to the 1st floor which is for the Freshmens.

(Time skip: Lunch time)

Ryoma sat under the tree eating his lunch when, he heard his name being called, he looked up to see all his senpai's except Tezuka and Oishi-senpai who weren't with them.

"Ne ne Echizen, its time for the meeting boucho is having, lets go, lets go." Kikumaru-senpai said bouncing up an down while holding Echizen's hand and dragging him away with his food still in his hand.

Ryoma didn't like that he was being dragged by his senpai, his scowled git deeper. He saw the rest of his senpais surrounding the old hag and boucho Tezuka.

"Alright, everyone this saturday is the competition, I need you all to be there at exactly 10 or we will be disqualified. Am I cl-" he was cut off by Ryoma's phone ringing.

Ryoma who didn't care picked his phone up.


"Ryo-nee..." his little brother whined.

Ryoma frowned "What's wrong?"

"Ryo-nee I forogt my lunch and I don't have money and my tummy hurts." Ryko said.

Ryoma's frown deepened, he sighed and reached into his bag for money.

"Okay wait for me in the front of your school and next time call me before your lunch."

"Sorry Ryo-nee I love you."

"Love you too, now wait for me okay."

"Okay bye." Ryko said hanging up. Ryoma sighed and called up a cab that could take him all the way to Rikkaidai, luckily they did have a person who could drive him all the way.

"Ryoma what's going on?" His coach Ryusaki asked.

"Sorry but I have something very important to do." He said, all his senpai's looked at him as he ran away.

"Where is he going?" Momoshiro asked noone.

"You guys want to follow him?" Kikumaru-senpai asked, Oishi-senpai was about to stop them when they all nodded and caught a taxi cab.

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