Chapter 3

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Btw I forgot to say that I decided to keep Aiden, Ethan, Isaac and Liam wasn't bit by Scott he was born with werewolf powers and didn't know so Scott is helping him.
We stood up all night trying to find clues on what could have happened to Malia. But the nerves didn't let me think and the others well just didn't know as much of Malia as I do. A bunch of things are going through my mind like what if she was killed. But I had to think positive. What if Peter took her, what if she left on her own? All those things went through my mind. Then we decided to split up. Aiden and Lydia , Ethan and Isaac , Scott and Kira, and Liam and me. But we also called Derek and he brought Peter which means he probably didn't do anything to Malia. Liam and I searched through the woods to see if Malia were to be here. But there was nothing. Then the rest checked other places but still nothing. So we all got back together and went back to my house to find more clues. We took a break and went to eat to a restaurant. That's when I see a familiar face its Malia then she runs to us. I thought she was going to hug us or be happy to see us but she attacks Scott. Then I see her glow her eyes they aren't blue anymore now they are red but not like Scott's, it's a darker red. We try to get her off but we can't. It seems like Malia is stronger than Scott. That's when she took out her claws and stabs Scott. But there was something else her claws were longer than any werewolf's. Then we all get too shocked to do something and Scott falls to the ground. Malia leaves but only cause the police had come. But she said she would be back. That was too much to handle I had never seen Malia like that and Scott was injured. I just couldn't understand what or why that happened. All I knew was that it was one of the worst situations ever cause besides Malia gone bad, Scott is in a serious condition but how could Malia hurt him so badly. I knew that something or someone is controlling Malia cause she would never do that.

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