Chapter 14: revenge party

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Monday came and classes started, they were pretty good a little more advance than high school but whatever!

I was still sad about the break up but I was getting over it, when we got back to our dorms Kate texted me
Kate_volleyball: Hey Alyssa! I got big news! I made the team!!!
Kate loves to play volleyball and the college she's going to is huge on sports, and it's hard to get in them and she made the volleyball team.
Alyssa22: that's amazing!!! Congrats
Kate_volleyball: thanks! I'm so excited!
Alyssa22: when do you starts?
Kate_volleyball: tomorrow can't wait!! :)
Alyssa22: well I'm happy for you Kate!
Kate_volleyball: awe! Thanks <3 how's college?
Alyssa22: besides the break up, it's alright how about you?
Kate_volleyball: I love it! I meet the girls on the team and there super nice!
Alyssa22: great! I meat a girl named Lily she shares a dorm with me
Kate_volleyball: I thought you were rooming with Alex?
Alyssa22: I was until we broke up
Kate_volleyball: oh yeah right
Alyssa22: well I gotta go congrats again!
Kate_volleyball: thanks! See ya!
Oh how I miss Kate!

Then I got a e-mail form CJ.
To-,,,, and 11 more
Subject- party
Hey! I'm having a party at my dorm (dorm 3A) on Friday at 7:30-11:30 hope to see ya'll there

I knew there was some reason CJ invited me, it was for revenge.

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