Chapter 6

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I walked into school the next day and everyone was yet again staring at me. What do you expect? A girl who use to be the schools nerd came into school half naked. How could they not stare? When I found my locker Alex was just leaving his, but stopped when he saw I was actually wearing clothes today. I dressed in a tight purple low neck t-shirt with a cardigan draped over my shoulders. I had skinny jeans for a change, snug to my skin. Minimal makeup covered my face.

"Hey Alex," I smiled.

"Hey are you ok?" Alex smiled back looking me up and down. I wasn't in my usual clothing, it was nice for a change. I felt hesitance in Alex's question, which didn't surprise me.

"I'm okay, great actually. Why do you ask?" I turned and opened my locker to grab my books and notebooks. My laptop was already in my hands, I never leave anywhere without it. Alex grabbed most of my books for me when I pulled them out.

"Well I heard you and your mom fighting last night. What was that about?" Alex began walking me to the library.

"What she's been hiding rom me for the past 16 years. I mean how can you keep something like that a secret from your kid? It's insane. But I did...fiddle with somethings though." I giggled walking into the library.

"What do you mean?" Alex was trying to hold back a smile, but was really confused at the same time.

"My powers," I simply stated. Alex began to chuckle.

We sat down at our table and began to study. My right hand was resting on my leg, while my left hand was turning the pages of my book. Alex was sitting next to me studying as well. I just got done reading the sixth page of chapter twenty-five. Alex grabbed my hand that was resting on my leg and continued reading. I looked up at him in shock, even sitting down he was still taller than me. He grinned and kept his nose in a book. Joe and Jamie came into the library, later than they usually do.

"So what, you two together now?" Jamie asked in a sarcastic voice.

"Yup," Alex answered still having his nose in his book, must be interesting. I looked over and saw it was a history textbook; he does this every year. He becomes so interested in history its like his second language. He can tell you about Imperialism one minute and the next he could be talking about how the Romans fought to keep life in Rome interesting.

"How? When? Why didn't you tell me?" Joe asked, damn near screaming.

"I don't know, just wasn't important at the moment." I returned back to my book and continued reading about germs and bacteria. Joe was going on about how I never tell her anything anymore and how I should at least tell her when I'm in a relationship. I just kept saying okay to everything she would say to me. She soon caught on and by the end of the conversation she told me she was pregnant; all I said was okay. She began to laugh histarically. She took my book away and got onto me about not paying attention. She was not only mad that I wasn't listening but I only said okay to her being pregnant. Geez, this girl is needy. The bell rang and we all went to first period. This is going to be a long day.

All day Joe was going on about how no guy likes her and she'll due alone. Jamie kept reassuring her that she wasn't going to die alone; that she'll meet someone. Joe didn't believe him, she had a mind of her own. I did notice the way Jamie was looking at her. He had this look in his eye, where when the light hit it perfectly you could see hearts in his eyes. He kept looking over at her every twenty or so seconds when they weren't around each other. Alex was telling me that Jamie didn't like Joe; I didn't believe him. It got very quiet at the lunch table; Jamie was the loudest thinker there. No I wasn't intending to read his mind. Okay maybe a little.

"God Joe is so pretty. How can she not see that. I love her. Whatever I had no chance with Anna and now I have no chance with Joe. Well I guess I can buy a cat...or just become a stupid jock. Yea, I could do that! I'll tell Joe how I feel."

The voices started up again. Jamie was about to tell Joe how he felt but Jonathan came over, Joe's crush, and started talking to her. Joe's mind started to flutter. Her mind was like a cloud. All kinds of things were going through that girls mind. Thoughts about their first date or their wedding. Geez, could she be a more stereotypical girl? They talked for a couple minutes and Jonathan asked to talk to Alex and I after school. To us we were going to talk about what's been going on the past week, to everyone else we were just going to study.

What a night this will be.

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