Chapter 4

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I opened the door and Jonathan ran inside.

" You know it's freezing outside?" Jonathan shook.

"Sorry, we were getting frozen yogurt." Alex said walking over to the dinning room table to put our bags down.

"Why is Alex here?" Jonathan questioned.

"I'm helping him with math. Don't worry, I've helped twelve people, each in a different subject." I reassured him. Jonathan sighed and started unpacking his textbooks. I went into the kitchen and grabbed carrots and other vegetables. Alex followed me and grabbed soda for everyone.

"He hates me, you know that right?" Alex turned around with three glasses in his hands. He placed the on the kitchen island and grabbed two soda cans.

"He doesn't hate you." I reassured him.

"Yes he does. You just don't know him," Alex nearly screamed, he took a breath and spoke again, "Anna, we've known each other since fourth grade. In eighth grade we were lab partners and I spilled acid and pigs blood on him by accident. He's hated me since."

"You don't know that-"

"He told me to my face, the first day of science class we were never going to be partners again. How does he not still hate me?"

I didn't say anything, because I didn't know what to say, then I got an idea. "If you be nice to him for our tutoring session, which will only last until exams are over, I will do whatever you want for a week." Alex agreed and put on his "I'm a good kid, mothers love me" smile and walked into the dinning room. I followed behind and brought the snacks and drinks out.

We got started on studying, and it was really quiet for a while. Blank notebooks stacked upon each other on the edge of the table. I, myself, have already used 3 noteboooks for just two subjects. Alex was working on Alegbra II and doing well, since he has a B in it. Jonathan was working steadily on AP English. I glanced over at his notebook to notice he was only doing vocabulary, clandestine, compunction, inveterate. Words I learned freshman year. It was extremely quiet in my house, which is odd knowing I live here. I got up and put in my nutcracker cd and turned it to a low mum. It was very somnolent and phlegmatic.

Fine I looked over at Jonathans vocabulary list again, I can't help it, I love vocab. Sue me! I began to hear voices again.

"It's not like you're going to have her anytime soon."

"Says who?"

"ME! She's my girlfriend, and frankly I don't like you here. You're just an average guy, I'm better for her."

"Right I'm the average guy, you're speaking to me through my mind and I can hear your thoughts. I think we are tired for game."

"Baseball references wont help you Peters."

"Anna can just as easily fall in love with me as she can you."

"I already have her!"

"For how long?"

I couldn't listen to this anymore, I felt like crying.

"Will you two knock it off?" I yelled.

They looked at me as if I had anntena's hanging out of my head. I was beyond civil communication. I can't stand when my tutor sessions end up in brawls. I mean come on, I'm pretty capable of handling myself during fights. I don't understand how guys can just want to superman for every girl.

"I heard what you two were saying! I want both of you out of my house now! I can't even look at you guys right now." I stormed into the livingroom, wanting to punch a hole in the wall.

"Wait! You could hear what we were thinking?" Alex rushed into the living room after me.

"Yea I could. So what? You guys were having a freaking conversation without moving your lips or lifting your heads from your books!" I took a breath in and calmed down. Jonathan entered the room, calm as can be.

"When did you start hearing....voices?" Jonathan spoke softly.

"I don't know, a couple days ago. Right after I turned sixteen. What does that have to do with anything?"

"Has there been any other changes?" Alex asked cautiously. He didn't really know how I was going to react. I could be like him, trying to hide anger, or like Jonathan and be as calm as possible.

"No! Why would anything else happen? I'm just going crazy and when I wake up it'll be my birthday again and nothing weird will happen. Why do you guys seem so freaked out?" I threw my arm up, a fireball ended up coming out my hand and burnt the wall.

"Anna calm down please. You're causing other powers to go off." Alex tried to calm me down, but he knew it wouldn't work. I sighed and dropped my arm to my side. Jonathan stayed seated on my couch, lounging as if he owned the place.

"Annabeth, if you don't calm down, you're going to destroy your home. How are you going to explain that to your mom?" I knew Jonathan was right. I hated him for that. I sat on my couch think all of this over. I sat up and was going to ask a question, but I didn't.

"I'm sorry," was all I could manage to get out. I covered my face with my hands and began to cry. Alex sat next to me, comforting me. He held me for a while.

When I finally collected myself, I went back into the dinning room and began to study again. Alex and Jonathan were confused, they kept asking why I was studying. I had finals and this is how I relax, they laughed.

By the time my mother came home, we were all studying, it was about nine o'clock. My mom laughed and called for pizza. Around ten Jonathan and Alex went home.

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