Gotta Catch 'Em All (1st gen pokemon fandom)

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(Yay Pokemon fan fic!!)

Chapter 1

"I wanna be the best. Like no one ever was. To catch them us my real test. To train them is my cause."

-Pokemon original theme song.

I am so excited I can't sleep. I am finally 10 years old. That means I can train to be a pokemon master! I wonder which pokemon I'll get. Water type: Squirtle. Fire type: Charmander. Grass type: Bulbasaur.

I groan impatiently in my sleep. Only 5 minutes passed since I tried going to sleep. I know. I'll get some warm milk. That should calm me down. I creep downstairs to the kitchen and grab the milk from the fridge. When I close the door I nearly jump out of my skin. My mom is standing right there.

"What are you doing up" she asks. It looks like she was crying.

"I couldn't sleep so I came downstairs for some warm milk. Want some?" I offer.

She smiles and says, "No, I'll make it sweetheart." She takes the carton of milk from my hand and grabs a pot from the cupboard. I sit at our table. My mom pours the steaming milk in 2 mugs. She puts a pink one in front of me and she carries a green one to her spot. I feel bad for my mom. She's going to be alone. My dad walked out on us when I was little to finish his dream to become a pokemon master, but after a year the letters stopped, he never called. I hope he didn't stray from his path and joined Team Rocket... I shake my head from these thoughts to look at my mother. The years of worry made small lines on her forehead and her long brown hair was speckled with gray. I look nothing like my mother, I have blonde hair I like to keep short because I feel long hair just gets in the way, she has blue eyes like the water outside our house; I have green eyes like the forest.

I give my mom a big hug and kiss and tell her I love her and go to sleep.


My alarm is going off and I jump out of bed. I throw on my clothes and hat. I brush my teeth and I'm out the door like a rocket. I run as fast as I can to professor Oak's lab. I run through the double doors and see my rival, David. Ever since we were kids we were always competetive. Trying to out do each other and we have the same dream to be a great pokemon master.

"Brittany, what are you doing here?" David says when he realizes my presence.

"Its my time to become a pokemon trainer," I snap back at him.

"Now, now children. You two are always at each others throats now stop it or you both will have to wait another year before you can get to start your pokemon journey," Professor Oak exclaimed.

We put our heads down in shame and apologize.

"Now are you two ready to receive your first pokemon?"


I walk over to the table where the three poke balls lie motionless. My hand is shaking as I try to decide which one. It feels like hours. A bead of sweat forms above my temple.

"I choose...." I grab the pokeball to the left. "Bulbasaur!!!!"

"Fine," David sneered. "I choose Charmander." He picked up his new pokeball. "Hey, let's have a battle Brittany!"

I turn to Professor Oak nervously. He nods his head to show approval.

"Alright, bulbasaur, I choose you!!" I exclaim.


A bright red light shoots out from the pokeball and my bulbasaur springs out from the small ball. I stood admiring his bulb on his back and the nice greenish blue color of his skin....oops bulbasaur is a girl....

"Charmander, go!" another flash of red and standing in front of my bulbasaur is a charmander.


He has big eyes and the cutest little flame on his tail. His body is a bright fire red color.

"Charmander, use flamethrower!!"

"I don't think so David. He is just a baby and doesn't know how to use flamethrower. He knows how to tackle and growl. Raising pokemon is a huge responsibility and requires a lot of patience," Professor Oak calmly said.

David sighed, loudly, "Alright, grandpa. Charmander use tackle!"

"Bulbasaur dodge it!"

Bulbasaur leapt away just in time.

"Use tackle attack now!"

Bulbasaur hit Charmander with such force he fainted.

"Charmander, return."

I look up at David, he had a look of sheer anger on his face.

"I picked the wrong one!!"

"Now, what did I just say? You have to have patience in raising your pokemon," Professor Oak snapped. "Unless you want me to take him back."

"No," David sheepishly murmured.

I stood in awe at my first battle. I won my first battle. I lean down and hug my bulbasaur. Bulbasaur is rubbing her face against mine.

"Well, Brittany, it looks as if you and your bulbasaur are going to be very close friends," Professor Oak said.

"What do you think bulbasaur?" I said to my pokemon.

"BULBASAUR!" I chuckle.

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