Chapter 2

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Author's Note: K guys, I'm sorry about these next few chapters, I wrote them awhile ago, a year or so ago, so they are not very good, and haven't really had time to edit them, so If you could just stick it out for the next few chapters I promise you will like the chapters after that. Again sorry for the inconvenience. Please keep reading

it was almost six and I rushed out the door. I was supposed to be at the Beach at 6 but when Am I ever on time? ....Almost never.

I got to the beach at 6:05 and they still weren't there. that's a relief.

Let me inform you, Ok so at school like last week Maranda and Madison started talking. She was obsessed with him, but obsessed is really a strong word for she's had a crush on him since elementary, pathetic huh? But anyways they were talking and Madison said that the boys are all single right now. So they might be looking around  If you get what I mean. This is probably the best miracle that God's ever granted me though. But anyways  3-4 hours ago Madison and Maranda arranged to have the boys come and meet us at the beach because Madison wanted to hook his buddies up.

I am still freaking out. I have walked about 100 circles around this chair, and I still cannot thank god enough for this. I mean who knew, that me, Kalen a normal girl from jersey, could ever "hangout" with Mikey Fusco.

I've got to calm down because here they come.

They walked on the beach flawlessly, they even had a glow, and In my mind they walked to the song Chariots of fire, the great American slow motion running song.

"Hi I'm mikey" he said like I didn't already know who he was. Hahaha, I'm hyperventilating I can't beleive that he was actually talking to me. He was popular, and I wasn't. What else is there to say? That's how society works, isn't it. but society can go screw themselves.

"My..names Kalen" I stuttered as my lips trembled because I wanted to kiss him

"nice to meet you" he replied smiling . Nice to meet me? I thought. No, its not nice to meet me, it's nice to meet you. I am not nice to meet, because I'm socially awkward and now freaking myself out.

I made it through the rest of the conversation, surprisingly and After we all got to know each other a little bit we decided to hang out at my house on friday at 6 and I was so excited, but why my house? Maybe because Kimmy volunteered my house as "designated hangout house" which my parents were not going to be ok with. In fact, they will probably flip at the thought of 4 or 5 boys in their house unsupervised, but it's not like we are going to have sex.

What if he likes me? What if he doesn't? What if I freak him out? What if he's a psychotic mass murderer? What if I'm his next victim?

ok ok ok. stop. sometimes I think that my brain needs a little more supervision.

*my house friday*

After waiting awhile for them to show up I decided to go up to my room to get my phone and mypajamas on. Were they ever on time? like seriously?

I opened the door to my room and the boys were all in there, they scared the living hell out of me.

"What in the hell are you doing" I asked trying to catch my breath from that sudden scare. You know you would think that having 7 or so boys in my room would be a good thing, but it's not.

"Your front door was locked so we had to climb through the window" Mikey said

"Did you know that there are 2 other doors that you could have gone through" I asked raising my eyebrows "also have you ever heard of knocking?"

"We thought it would be fun to climb through the window." nick, the funny, short, attractive one said

"Where's everybody else?" vinny, the funny, and absolutely random one asked

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