My ICONic Boy

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 What's love? I thought after experiencing a very bitter sweet dream.

I think us, as humans underestimate the power of love. Some of us don't have it and some of us do, but those of us who do don't realize the fragile qualities it posses.

Its almost as if love is a very delicate vase. Most of us don't know how to take care of it, we just set it on a shelf and hope that it doesn't break, but There some of us who, unlike others have handled that vase before and have learned how to keep it safe, and I think we can all learn something from them, even it they are not the cutest or youngest couple. Sure maybe they don't do cute couple things, but really what's the most important thing here? Caring for each other.

I also think that the media has a very poor image of love. Love is not Taylor swift and Harry Styles, love is like Marge and Homer Simpson. They love each other, but not because of popularity or looks, but because of their personality, because they care for each other, because they do little things for each other every day. Love is getting up early just to get coffee, love is not going out with your friends because your wife/husband needs you, love is going to work just because you know that you are supporting your family, love is not just sex, love is caring for each other in a way that is indescribable to anyone else because it is too powerful for words. Love is doing anything  just to keep your loved one from harm, even if it means your life over theirs.

People are also getting married way too fast these days, which is another thing that makes me mad because people are so anxious to get married, it's pathetic. To be ready to get married you need to really be in love, not just some I'll love you for ever and ever lie, that teenagers say, you have to really mean it. and that's why people are getting  married at 17 now a days, that's just not okay, because unless you have been in love with this person since you were 13, I don't think you're ready to marry at 17 years old. Plus teenagers are just so anxious to save themselves for marriage and fit into the crowd, they are willing to get married at 17, so they can have sex, but at 17 i'm pretty sure  they don't even know what love is, but I do.

It's when you are hurting and your loved one eats ice cream with you, its when your loved one knows you better than yourself, love is when your loved one is willing to paint your fingernails on your right hand because you are not able to, love is giving someone the last cookie, love is telling someone that you love their outfit when you really don't, love is being scared to do something  but then looking at your loved one and not being afraid anymore, love is seeing the person when they are not their best looking and still thinking they are handsome, love is having to smell each others morning breath but still kissing anyway, love is butterflies in your stomach when your around that person.

So what is love?

"Kalen get up" My mom shouted from down at the bottom of the stairs. I don't know why she insists on waking me up every day, I can get my own self up perfectly well.

I hopped up from bed and threw my long blonde hair in a French braid. My hair was getting darker which depressed me, so I stood in front of the mirror for a good 30 seconds because heading to my closet again. I threw on my white toms and a classic white vans t-shirt with some light blue skinny jeans. I finished getting ready and ran out the front door to meet my bestfriend, Kimmy.

We both went to to the same Junior High and we only lived like a block apart. which was really great because we weren't quite old enough to legally drive without our parents in the car. 15, such a terrible age.

"Hey." Kimmy said. "excited for school." she said sarcastically

"Why would I be excited for school?" I asked her turning my head to show my unimpressed face.

"Well Mikey goes to school." She said "When else would you see him?"

" see, as my husband, my doctor, my boyfriend, my lover, the father of my children." I started counting on my fingers.

*in my dreams * I coughed and me and Kimmy just laughed because we both knew that I had no chance with Mikey Fusco.

Ever since I started Junior high I have had a crush on Mikey Fusco, the hottest guy in school. He is realllllllly cute! and he's a dancer, even better!  Now I know that he is known for being a jerk but I can see something special about  him. But there's one problem. I'm boring and I'm definatly not his type, so why do I even bother to dream.

"Ya but so does Tyler" i said after a minute,

"What" Kimmy asked

"goes to school with us." I said now not laughing, because this was still a sore subject. I mean why do I still have to go to school with that jerk.

Tyler was my boyfriend till two days ago. He dumped me, because I was boring, and that's all I have to say about that subject.


We made it to school and walked in through the front doors.  "There he is." I said to Kimmy. "The cutest kid in school, Mikey Fusco, flirting with Jessica Canavaugh.  Why do I even bother? "

Jessica was cute, I was not.


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